
Flashpoint and the New 52 led me to pretty much abandoning DC for Marvel. There are still a couple decent DC writers left (King and Snyder) despite Marvel poaching Lemire and Soule, but most of the series are just so bad. I don't think there has been a good Teen Titans or Flash comic in at least five years.

The sister thing is bad, but I don't think it is as bad as it initially seems once you realize she was only 7 and her parents clearly spoiled the hell out of her (They let her get in bed with them until she was 12 years old, sent her to expensive private schools, fancy camps, etc)
To me, the more troubling about her

You should see some of the lesser articles from our fine online media.
"Boris Johnson is just like Donald Trump!"
Nope, that a terrible analogy.
"The UK voting to leave is like Texas seceding!"
Not even close.

From a left-wing American perspective I am disappointed that Remain lost, and think it will definitely hurt the British economy. That being said, it is hard for me to be too supportive of the EU after they sacrificed the economies of Greece, Spain, and Portugal on the altar of austerity. There was a kind of nasty

Dana Snyder would work, and I think Will Forte's screaming could also work.

For all his bluster, Weiner also had very few legislative accomplishments. There are tons of progressive congressman that had gotten more done with a lot less attention.

I used to work on the Hill for a liberal congressman, and can say without exaggeration that Weiner was one of the most disliked members. Except for Sheila Jackson Lee, he probably had the highest staff turnover ratio. He was a camera whore that treated people like garbage, so none of his colleagues were wiling to

I think the outrage was also mitigated because even its fans admit that Supergirl had serious flaws. Outside of casting Melissa Benoist, I don't think the producers did that good a job.
Also, I was shocked how expensive it was when it often looked so cheap.

Besides creating 30 Rock, she was also the head writer for SNL around 1999-2004, which were pretty damn good seasons by SNL standards.

It was a reduced season, but 30 Rock's last season was arguably its best. Also, I think Fey gets a lot of love because she wrote one of the best celebrity autobiographies of the last 20 years.

I don't think you have a great understanding of Durham's political leanings if you expect violence.

This is kind of a clumsy analogy, but sometimes when I read current horror reviews it reminds me of when some critics would praise indie rap groups like Jurassic 5 as good/different hip-hop, with subtly implying that mainstream hip-hop that glorified violence like Biggie Smalls, etc, was inferior.
It seems like there

As someone who believes strongly in gun control, I find it ridiculous when super heroes debate the morality of registering with the government. You have vigilantes that are far more powerful than any gun and they don't believe it is right for the government to know their identity and monitor them.

Granted we are talking about giant ninja turtles so disbelief doesn't really factor in, but I didn't like how they just explained away the ninja skills by having a martial arts book fall into the sewer. Kind of weird that Splinter has no Japanese ties at all and just decided to randomly master karate. Other than

Having shamefully watched a few episodes, I thin Beth Behrs is the funny one. It is hard to tell because the material is so bad, but Beth tries hard to sell the jokes and seems capable of doing physical comedy. Kat Dennings just seems resigned.

Crazy ex Girlfriend got renewed with atrocious ratings, but it is the CW. Also, I think the CW was just super happy to actually win a golden globe

I love Winston, although I feel like the show uses just the right amount of him lest his craziness overwhelm us. I also think Max Greenfield's physical comedy is kind of underrated.

Ehh, if you were working at Gawker you pretty much knew you were working for a company that had worked with a blackmailing prostitute to out an executive at a media rival, and linked to hacked photos of nude celebrities. Hell, Deadspin's biggest leap in traffic came after it posted video of a clearly drunk female

"You, of course, are one of the most glaring examples this kind of behavior. It's like the shibboleth for an asshole or, in this case of these upvoters, assholes who get off on crude insults."