
Cabin in the Woods was a lot of fun, seeing it at the theater with a big crowd was the best time I've had at the movies in a long while.

Cabin in the Woods was a lot of fun, seeing it at the theater with a big crowd was the best time I've had at the movies in a long while.

What annoyed me was that the movie sets up some meaty questions—did aliens influence our transition from animal to civilized?what happens after you die?—and instead of addressing them in any way at all it's just whooaa killer aliens dude!  I really did feel let down afterward.

What annoyed me was that the movie sets up some meaty questions—did aliens influence our transition from animal to civilized?what happens after you die?—and instead of addressing them in any way at all it's just whooaa killer aliens dude!  I really did feel let down afterward.

I'm writing your name on this list, Preparation Hecheski….

I'm writing your name on this list, Preparation Hecheski….

I like how she says "mouse" instead of "mousse".

I like how she says "mouse" instead of "mousse".

Agreed, I love Repulsion. It's the movie that comes to mind when I'm trying to think of a movie that is super scary without cheap jumpscares and gore.

Agreed, I love Repulsion. It's the movie that comes to mind when I'm trying to think of a movie that is super scary without cheap jumpscares and gore.

Noah was sort of a douche too. I mean, he passes out drunk and naked, and Ham stumbles in and is like, "whooooa not cool!" and goes out to tell Shem and Japheth and they  walk backwards with the robe and don't see their dad's wang or whatever, and then Noah gets all pissed at Ham and basically curses him and his

Noah was sort of a douche too. I mean, he passes out drunk and naked, and Ham stumbles in and is like, "whooooa not cool!" and goes out to tell Shem and Japheth and they  walk backwards with the robe and don't see their dad's wang or whatever, and then Noah gets all pissed at Ham and basically curses him and his

I saw Ninth Gate at the theater and haven't watched it since, and now the only thing I remember about it are the nice Paris locations and Johnny Depp smoking cigarettes and stopping for bread and wine every ten minutes or so.

I saw Ninth Gate at the theater and haven't watched it since, and now the only thing I remember about it are the nice Paris locations and Johnny Depp smoking cigarettes and stopping for bread and wine every ten minutes or so.

I like the part where hallucinatory Fleance puts on big boy armor and strangles poor old MacBeth

I like the part where hallucinatory Fleance puts on big boy armor and strangles poor old MacBeth

I like the way he handles hallucinatory freakouts. Like when Macbeth goes to visit the witches and they give him that potion and he sees all the descendants of Banquo holding out mirrors and the camera sort of zooms creepily through each mirror and you're like, whoa dude! Plus—in Repulsion—Deneuve's  crazytime visions

I like the way he handles hallucinatory freakouts. Like when Macbeth goes to visit the witches and they give him that potion and he sees all the descendants of Banquo holding out mirrors and the camera sort of zooms creepily through each mirror and you're like, whoa dude! Plus—in Repulsion—Deneuve's  crazytime visions

yeah it kind of sounds like the kind of story someone who is an above average journal scribbler might come up with, and like you read it in their moleskine while they nervously hover over you, and afterward you're like, that was pretty cool!

yeah it kind of sounds like the kind of story someone who is an above average journal scribbler might come up with, and like you read it in their moleskine while they nervously hover over you, and afterward you're like, that was pretty cool!