
"DC: I just finished a script for Alexander Payne for a Wilson movie. "

Monkeys in people clothes are really awesome….seriously

It's a dark time in the US, and this is the sort of thing that's needed in order to lift the national spirits: an all-star ensemble racing along the nation's robust highway system, making quips and stopping at large gas stations for Red Bull and beef jerkey. This says, high oil prices will not deter us; we will

Heche, I think that might be the meanest comment I've ever seen you make, you usually cheerful and upbeat fellow! I like this new direction your career is moving in. It should make for an interesting arc.

They also get deep like a Navy Seal

green lighted.

I know you're kidding, but I hafta say I love her lettering. I think its controlled sloppiness actually makes the jokes funnier than they'd be if everything was done in standard comic lettering.

So I bought the Moby Dick audiobook on itunes,  thinking the audio format would make a difficult classic digestible. Would you know, it's still a slog. I'm about 33% through. Cool thing is, it's read by William Hootkins. Yes, that's right…. Porkins!

Haha, I forgot that bit. Man I love Barcelona.

No need to apologize for liking Catcher. I remember reading it in two sittings, and I vividly recall putting the book down after finishing and just sitting there for a while.

That's interesting, I'll have to think about that next time I see it. I always found it to be pretty happy.

I always think about how Gittes grabs Escobar's arm to stop him from shooting, but then his goober of a  sidekick Loach gets the killing shot off anyways.

Gotta give Raimi props for making sure the movie delivers on its titular promise.

I've only seen it once, but the ending of Broken Flowers really sticks out in my memory as being very sad and beautiful.

I want to be President Fireman Astronaut, flying around space with a jetpack signing bills into law and putting out space-fires!

"Cock boobs", LOL

Yeah, they have entirely different metrics for success. Namely, "hey, a number of people that is greater than 50 watched!"

I actually get pretty excited when I see that one of my comments has "likes". Real excited, actually.

Water supplies aren't for thirsty people, they're for keeping lawns unnaturally lush and green!

Me and my friends do this thing, where we call him DiCRAPio, instead of DiCaprio. We are funny!