Spit Take

"Is it were dead, or was dead?"

That metaphor's about as good as a microwave doing pushups next to a stinkbug that can't figure out which way is up!

That metaphor's about as good as a microwave doing pushups next to a stinkbug that can't figure out which way is up!

"I'm gonna go see what's up with that dog. *pregnant pause* Hey dog! *yet another pause* What you doin?"

"I'm gonna go see what's up with that dog. *pregnant pause* Hey dog! *yet another pause* What you doin?"

Now that's what I call a… (takes off sunglasses)

Now that's what I call a… (takes off sunglasses)

"CROSY SUX! lololol"

"CROSY SUX! lololol"



But my gut is also very hungry…

But my gut is also very hungry…

*Squeaky water-well hand-pump sound*

*Squeaky water-well hand-pump sound*

This bra bomb had better work, Nerdlinger!

This bra bomb had better work, Nerdlinger!

Like anyone would want to R you.

Like anyone would want to R you.

Indeed. I got too excited by my Eureka moment to actually stop and assess whether or not the Eureka was based on fact.