Ruler of the planet Omikron Pe

To paraphrase The Hairy scar:
I'd like to complain about this show. Now, I've never watched the show nor do I intend to. Because you know what, I don't watch trash. You know why? The place for trash is in the gutter, not my mind. You know what else i'd like to complain about? The city I live in. They're suing

Almost forgot the leg jesus carves for the cripple.

The "something to talk about" scene was hilarious. The look they exchange when Schreiber orders a beer and Lo Truglio orders two beers to one-up him was priceless.

Funny People was pretty damn funny the whole way through. 3/3 for Apatow even if it's too heavy for the masses. Quality over box office.

I liked The Road but Suttree killed it for me.

Spoiler. Susie inhabits her friends body from the spirit world and uses it to screw a guy that kind of liked her several years ago.

I think the term used to describe McCarthy-type writing is "purple" or overwrought. It makes a certain type of person feel smart and superior to other readers because they have to spend more time deciphering that type of language.
Having determined they like their pleasure reading to be more like work, they become

The quality of the comments here on the AV club has closely paralleled the downhill slide of the show. Only the stupidity of the comments is more severe than that of entourage.

I admit i may be a bit over-enthused, but damn I really really liked that movie, thrilling as hell. I sometimes have trouble conceiving that others might not share my enthusiasm and I apologize for the slander.

Haven't seen Moon. Hurt Locker was amazingly great. I don't think teadoust actually saw it; either that or he is actually an unfeeling robot.

My metabolism slowed down at 24. Coincidentally, it happened right as i was prescribed Prednisone to treat bell's palsy. That wonderful medication resulted in a 40 pound weight gain in under a month. And I'd been a skinny fuck my whole life prior to that.

I would do drugs on a train… I would do them in the rain.

Wain is awesome. The Ten, Role Models, Wainy Days are great.

I enjoyed that bit. It was Will Ferrell-esque though.

The Ghost Godfather

A Tale of Two Cities and Leprechauns

Just finished P+P+Z yesterday and enjoyed it. It was pretty much Pride and Prejudice with some zombie and ninja related stuff coloring in the story. The new additions were really funny. I enjoyed the Bennett family as a group of fearsome warriors and Mr. Darcy as one of the most renowned slayers of unmentionables

This is ancient Earth's most foolish program
Why does the largest nurse, Zoey, not simply eat the other nurses?

I'm curious about these people who "have never heard of them". Have you not stood in line in a grocery store in the past several months? The John and Kate baloney is inescapable.

My favorite episode of The Wire is the one where Omar is in a vendetta with a drug dealer, McNulty is up to drunken hijinks, and the inept police command is undermining the efforts of the Major Crimes Unit.