Van Johnson

Tarkovskys_former_AD Johnson is right!

I hired you people to get a little track laid, not to jump around like a bunch of Kansas City faggots!

That's 'authentic frontier gibberish' !

Hey, if they didn't want us to stare they wouldn't be naked.

Was she Karving her initials on it?

Can I see your numbers for that analysis?

Did you drop you accidentally drop acid in your coffee this morning?

If you'd just stop and think about it for a minute you'd realize separate bathrooms is truly more efficient.

I've always wondered what it'd be like to sit in on their craft circles, as they sit around cutting out their construction paper and decorating the signs.

No! It's the high school cafeteria all over again!

I seriously thought someone had just Photoshopped that image; take Jack Sparrow and just put a bird on his head.

So did Spinrad just take this fan's copy from him and sold it on Amazon?

Coca-Cola BlaK gives you "Oooooooooo."

No, I think they're calling him some type of Guardian, like the White and Black ones.

What about all those business men who jumped to their deaths during the Great Depression? Won't anyone think of them and their families?

He probably wasn't even a real doctor!

We'd always get in trouble with mom for eating too many.

How could you forget Ray Charles driving the city bus with cut brake lines?!

Bicycle Repair Man!? But how?!

Hey, music isn't about grammar or spelling; it's about the soul.