
I'm fine with the central characters being nice, but my problem is that a lot of the characters (say, Councilman Jamm, since he was set up as the main antagonist for the first half of this season) are kind of awful human beings. I feel like the show could be more nuanced than it is, instead of just settling for "nice".

I agree with pretty much everything Todd said. I'll admit that I never loved Parks and Rec the way a lot of other people do, so maybe I'm not the right person to comment on its arc, but I think this sort of touches on one of my biggest problems with the show. Something that really doesn't work for me, especially with

I miss Rachel….. :(

I think it would be a cool plot for Boyd, but if that's what they're planning, then I'd be honestly mad. Ava is pretty much the only significant regular female character on this show, and it would piss me off if they just sacrifice her so that Boyd can be motivated to do shit.

Yeah, I don't think Shelby/Drew is meant to be a secret criminal mastermind. From what we've seen, I think he adopted his new identity because he wanted to get away from his past and build a new life for himself. It would also tie really well into a lot of the themes of this season: redemption/forgiveness, trying to

I think they've established that Ava and Boyd genuinely care about each other, though. That could be an interesting twist, but it would also be an absolute punch to the gut. I have a bad feeling that Ava is going to die in order to motivate Boyd to do something (as mentioned by a couple of other posters). Really hope

Oh, boy, it doesn't sound like you've read the books….

Ugh, ABC. Why do you have to screw around with this show so much?

True. And perhaps they could've added some amber for the second episode in reference to the ending. It would've been cool if they did that, but it's not a big deal at all that they didn't.

A mash-up of all the credit sequences would've been really cool, but it would probably have been tough to do and wouldn't really make sense given that the episodes themselves take place entirely in one timeline/universe except for the last couple of minutes.

That sounds amazing. Must. Have. Now.

I'd definitely recommend starting from the beginning. In comparison, season one is pretty mediocre and a lot of the episodes aren't absolutely necessary to understand the characters or story, but there are enough important elements from that season that it's worth watching. Plus, it'll make some of the callbacks later

I haven't rewatched the Lost finale, but when I watched, I loved it. Certainly not the best of that series, but it worked for me. That said, I agree that the Fringe finale is better.

That line made me cheer. Badass.

The very last image of Peter's face definitely made me think that the tulip triggered memories of the post-Observer invasion events. I think whether or not either of them remember is up to viewer interpretation. I'm going to choose to believe that Olivia at least knows what happened.

I was so glad that they let her have the most agency during the finale, at least for the first part. Though Peter and Walter probably have the most poignant relationship on the show, to me, Olivia was always the main character. I was happy to see her back in badass/hero mode in a season that saw her mostly waiting and

Well, Peter did just literally vanish at the end of season 3, so I suppose it's not out of the question that the same thing happened to Walter.

Great tribute to the show. The first episode I watched was "The Box", which I liked, but it was "The Plateau" that made me realize how exceptional it could be. From that point forward, I was hooked, and there was no going back. I watched it as I was trying to get over Lost withdrawal. I never could've predicted how

Yeah, Lincoln and Fauxlivia were married and they had a son.

The finale had a lot of fan service, but I really couldn't care less. They did a good enough job incorporating it into the actual plot, and seeing them was just a lot of fun. Very fitting for Fringe.