
She hasn't been nude on The Leftovers.

We better.

I didn't think I could love Fargo more. Color me surprised. She is great.

It's no Big Lebowski.


Crazy thing, it works on my phone.

Mushroom clouds, brah. Fuckin epic!

Poor taste aside, this looks fucking terrible.

Americans deserve private nukes, Iran: not so much.

Thanks, Mr Wahlberg. Say hello to your mother for me.

It's such a pain in the ass. I don't want to create a disqus acct and lose all my comments/upvotes. :-/

I'm no MD, but I think LMM has heartburn.

"I Eat Cereal for Breakfast Too"

I just wish Disqus wasn't a part of the site. I miss the show notifications too.


To me it's a more enthusiastic way of saying OMG. I would pronounce it Zoh My God!

Not that I don't worship you any less, Salma.

I think Kristen Stewart is officially my celebrity crush. ZOMG she is beautiful.

Disqus is trying to make me sign up to see my notifications like has happened to other AVClub-only users. Eat a bag of dicks, Disqus.

Knocked Up? Christ that movie sucks. Popstar is so much better.