



If you like dark, dark crime procedurals, it doesn't get much better than season 3, which is a new case. Season 4 was decent too, but different due to being a netflix exclusive. It was really short too.

Grunge wasn't a generation, it was a made-up name for a music scene. Also: Kurt Cobain was the leader and most talented of the bunch.

I'm just repeating a rumor I heard from someone who works in the recording industry. So take my jokes with a huge grain of salt.

When you have a raging heroin addiction, you gotta save money somewhere.

In his house she longs to be,
room by room patiently,
she'll wait for Chris there,
like a stone.

She's been left behind as the seasons roll on by.

From the mouths of decadents?

Cornell is better than Vedder.

Feel the rhythm with your hands.

*Squints* Not sure if serious.

Can I sell you some Kenny Chesney tickets? Similar amounts of fun.

I love Alone, it's been pretty good this season.

They both deserve Oscars for this, it won't happen, but god they were good.

This is the best movie I've seen all year. So unique, funny, human, magical, honest. I would have said Green Room before watching SAM, but this was so enjoyable to watch.

I'm assuming you mean The Killing seasons 1-2, b/c season 3 is great.

Oh, you know where my button is, BS!

Shit got stabby fast.