
As someone who actually went out to see Vampires Suck (which, as we all suspected, is an abortion), Tweenlight wasn't a LOT better. As usual the problem is that most of the jokes poke fun at vampires in general instead of, you know, Twilight. Milhouse turning into a poodle was whatever, and Radcliffe's character was

He….didn't in the first place…………

"Hey, he's got to keep them at least until he's worn out his welcome. Then he'll toss them at us as a reminder to why we once thought him brilliant."



Post-postmodernist film.

I don't think continuity is particularly important. If they had justified it with a good payoff, I'd have been game, but it pretty much did nothing for me. They basically killed continuity with no good reason.

Cold open was probably the least funny part of the show. Except Kelly's input, of course.

i thought this episode solved every possible problem
it was

There is something upsetting about seeing someone else's poop floating in the water.

That's not how you do a hashtag, failure.



oh my god
leonard i think i love you

Relative to the two popular votes before it, the Obama election was indeed a landslide.

I'm sorry. I missed Community tonight. It's like if some people don't get their coffee or what have you.

The biggest problem with The Big Bang Theory…
…is that it sucks.

Hey, yeah!

I believe they are real, but they probably use the same people.