
I don't even remember that quote, but somehow I instantly knew that was a 30 Rock quote.

I'm a genius!

They definitely had Hank vs. Strawmen episodes early on, but they got increasingly insufferable and formulaic as the series went on. I always thought the best episodes were the ones that took Hank outside of his comfort zone (yoga, dog dancing, prosthetic posterior). Also loved their take on Hilloween and Christian

I feel like we're due for a John Cho cameo.

I would've said the reverse for the first season, where Louis and Jessica were the breakout stars. But I think you're right, with Eddie's posse and a more developed Emery and Evan, the kids have been doing great this year.

I was referring to their Hawkson. But you're right, the whole Egyptian thing with Carter Hall is better left untouched.

Maybe they discovered gravitonium and adamantium already.

The show will definitely be renewed. It's not quite reaching the highs of their Wednesday comedy block, but it's doing good numbers on a night when they traditionally launched shows to die (Selfie, Manhattan Love Story). I would love to see it moved to Wednesdays so it can get the viewership it deserves, but even the

Success perms! Mask kid! Love the continuity on this show.

I was actually fearing that the musical sequence would be too outlandish and an obvious DwtS tie-in, then ended up being a little disappointed that it was so understated.

He reviews Legends of Tomorrow (unfortunately) and we didn't hear a peep about the first person dying being a black man. And while he devoted a quick stray observation to Jax being drugged, he didn't go out of his way to emphasize that it was a white man drugging a black man like he surely would have if it had

I'm seeing double! Four Jays!

Huh, I thought the show already did an episode on mixtapes, but then I realized it was The Goldbergs.

Ocarina of Time also managed to pull on my heartstrings when Saria showed up to say goodbye to Link.

The Nintendo Power comics were amazing, with gorgeous art and fantastic plotting. It was an absolute treat as a kid waiting each month to see where Mario and Link's adventures would take them next. That final panel of the Zelda one hit me right in the feels the first time I saw it. It was absolutely heartbreaking.

Oh, god, The Goldbergs brought back memories from middle school, when all of the boys in the my class went to see Starship Troopers (they heard it had nudity), but I made up some excuse because I didn't want to see an R rated movie (and as a gay kid I had no interest in boobs). I was as lame as Adam!

What are your thoughts on love circles?

Vamp Willow didn't get really good until she crossed over, so I'm glad they kept Killer Frost alive. I can't wait for her and Caitlin to meet, and hope Killer Frost becomes a permanent resident of Earth-1.