I like the idea that everyone on the team has been through some sort of horrible trauma. Coulson died, May killed a little girl, Fitz had brain damage, Simmons was stuck on an alien planet, and Skye had those bangs last year.
I like the idea that everyone on the team has been through some sort of horrible trauma. Coulson died, May killed a little girl, Fitz had brain damage, Simmons was stuck on an alien planet, and Skye had those bangs last year.
Mulan reunion! Did I misinterpret things, or did Melinda actually try to run over her father just as an excuse to escape SHIELD?
They already did, and it's glorious: http://vinereport.com/artic…
I meant the episode title. Before the episode aired I thought it seemed obvious that it would refer to Flash, so I thought it was a pleasant surprise that it wasn't Flash alone that saved the day.
"So, you like radiation, eh? Well, have all the radiation in the world!"
Kevin Tancharoen is directing tonight's episode of AoS, and he was responsible for the best scenes from S2 (May vs. May, and Skye's single shot sequence). I think the show has a really talented choreography team, but it takes Tancharoen's direction to really show it off.
She was wasted last year, though. As much as I love seeing her, I hope they only use her when they can actually add to her character development.
Definitely one of Oliver's worst reviews. Who can forget, "Would it have hurt to throw some glasses on her to help sell the tech wiz image a tiny bit?"
The plane fetish is ridiculous at this point. There's absolutely no reason to show the plane landing every single time.
Kevin Tancharoen is directing next week's episode, so I'm expecting some good action sequences.
I thought it was a solid debut. Very happy that they've introduced the threats early on, instead of stretching out the reveal of the big bad(s). Looks like they learned their lesson after the excruciatingly drawn-out Clairvoyant story.
I was disappointed when Sadler was cast as Simon Stagg on Flash last season because I thought it would preclude him from portraying President Ellis on SHIELD. I'm glad AoS managed to get him this season, and I'm hoping he recurs and also shows up in Civil War as well. He would be the perfect way to link the show with…
Welp, I'm out. I was going to watch at least until Supergirl debuted in hopes that it would get better, but at this point it's committing the cardinal sin of being boring.
The important thing is that you all stay off my lawn!
I did a quick Google search and apparently they brought Pumps back this year, and somehow they're even more hideous: http://gizmodo.com/reebok-p…
Regarding Jessica's refusal to be "taken for a sucker," I should note that my parents did get suckered into buying a timeshare when we were still relatively new to the country, so I think there's definitely an element of trying not to get exploited.
I just Googled her and she was pretty much born when this show takes place. First of all, I feel fucking old. Second of all, it'll be interesting to see if the more blatant nostalgia jokes will land for people her age. I can see Shelby wondering along with the kids, "What the hell is The Mask?"
Still a little too reliant on sitcom tropes, but I laughed a lot anyway and thought they really built upon the solid foundation they laid in the first season. I'm mostly glad that they kept the more cartoonish elements that started appearing throughout the course of the first season. I especially loved Louis freezing…
Huh, I thought Dan would be covering it again, but it looks like it will have a new reviewer, Shelby Fero. A quick check of her twitter suggests she was having computer issues, which would explain why the review's not up yet.
Let's see: dead sorority girls, unlikable characters, and "What took so long?" This is going to be Nip/Tuck's Carver story all over again, isn't it? I swear, if a strap-on is involved again…