kayla kumari

I think it's free on PBS's website right now but I'm not positive.

I liked the TR episodes. I just thought the series hit more of its emotional notes later on.

Ahhh yes, I see what you're saying. I take it for granted that I just automatically queer everything. The letters were enough to make me realize it was more meaningful than the average "friendship." I do think language is important — good point!

It was a lot more balanced than I expected. I totally agree with you about the last episode being a little gushy though.

I would wear a shirt that says "You do not fuck with Eleanor Roosevelt" for sure. And yeahhhhh I think it was quite obvious that there was more than friendship going on, but again maybe it's best that the doc kind of just lets you come to your own conclusion.

I loooooved the fifth episode as well.

(I am the reviewer). And I used "sexual agency" because that is what I meant. Because I'm talking about her open expression of sexual desire and her positioning as a sexual subject (versus object) throughout the series so far.

Sexual agency can include (but is not limited to): the ability to give consent or say no to sexual activity; the right to openly express sexual desires; the right to identify as and express any gender. Basically, it's having control over one's sexual activities, sexuality, gender, and body.

Every once in a while, she says something interesting that we wouldn't have really been able to understand otherwise. But most of it is redundant.

I believe I had two, at most, sentences on pacing. But "moronic feminist wishful thinking" might make a great new twitter bio for me.

I also am not crazy about the voiceover. I think it's distracting.

Hi, everyone. Don't forget to clearly mark/announce spoilers (based on books) and try to minimize spoilers in general.

I'll have to check it out! It has been too long since I watched SFU.


I like where you're going with this.

Agreed. There seem to be a lot of early plants that I'm pretty sure won't end up being mcguffins. This pilot was heavy on the foreshadowing.

Truuuuuu and I'm a huge fan of that scene.

For some reason, I was getting major Claire Danes vibes.

That's correct!

Yep, you got it right! Alison is my favorite clone. I've yet to see a cogent argument for any other answer.