
This will be a tough listen but I'll give it a shot. I've been out of this band since "In Rainbows." Just can't dig the electronic stuff anymore. I enjoyed "Hail to the Thief" since it sort of merged the old and new, but since then I just haven't been able to swing it.

I sure hope they don't torture Rickon, but I do believe something will happen to him to provoke Jon. Not sure if Jon will just attack if he receives the pink letter alone. My thought is that he will be sent a piece of Rickon. Here's hoping it's just a lock of hair and not a body part. HA!

I think he'll discover something critical about the others while at the citadel and leave premature to get back to the wall.

Meh, I just didn't have time to write in detail. Truth be told though I had a rough time with Dany in Dance. I probably skimmed some of her chapters :-)

The one thing I think you're missing is that with the faith armed now and in the forefront of Kingslanding, word has no doubt spread across Westeros. Acting against the high sparrow could ignite a rebellion against the crown. So while I agree that the Tyrells and Lannister could no doubt abolish the faith presence in

Yea, I actually like Cersie more on show. She is more cunning and less paranoid than the books. Show Cersie is almost out of character by arming the faith. In the books it's all built on the fact that she can't see past her paranoia for protecting her kids.

No, you are right. Cersie is a hot mess in the books. Between burning the tower of the hand, putting idiots on the small council, and arming the faith, she basically is responsible for her own fate. Jon ultimately gets stabbed for several reasons outside of just allowing the Wildlings through the wall. Dany is a

I know about the gravedigger and do believe it's the Hound. I just didn't see him getting to the faith in the show, but I guess we'll see. That will be really cool if it happens.

Here's hoping Jon Snow runs into Brienne and Sansa while leaving the wall. I'm seriously not looking forward to half a season going by with Jon just hanging out in the woods.

I thought last night's episode was really clunky. Dialog was pretty weak and they rushed around too much. Really annoyed that Davos didn't give Jon the obvious reason for raising him from the dead. It was kind of like, "I just did it to do it."

What's the Clegane Bowl I keep hearing about? Like is Sandor just going to emerge in King's Landing to fight his brother who probably all of Westeros thinks is dead?

*Davos received the letter in season three and in book 3 regarding the threat of the white walkers. Being at the wall he knows that Jon Snow is the only one of the watch that gets the real issue. He also knows that they need the Wildlings if they are going to fight the white walkers. Jon is the only one that can unify

Theon is moot. He's done. He just repented to Sansa for all his actions. Do you really think he's going back to Pyke to be king and rebel again??

They couldn't create a set big enough.

Painful season. I hope that they learn from their mistakes going forward.

Ah, interesting concept. Didn't think of that but I'm assuming if they end up whacking Kev and Pycelle it could be the ninja sand snakes that do it.

It could be. Let's hope not. The Ironborn at least have more history in the books and in the show. We don't see Dorne until AFFC and in the show it was last season. I'm hopeful that it won't suffer the same fate.

It has to be Euron. Rumors have been swirling for a year that they basically are cutting Victarion in favor of Euron and sort of combining them.

And without Victarion and the fact that Asha (Yara) hasn't been in the show for a couple of seasons, I don't think it'll be that exciting.

Yes. You got it bud. Spot on.