Squid Widget

:Standing O for Suzanne Pleschette reference:

Cookie, if you are so inclined, there is a vibrant, active FB group made up of many commenters from this board. We'd love to have you, drop a line to Buckaroo or Lurky McLurk or Yuri Petrovich for details. :)

And now, ONLY NOW, do I realize I should have done the bug eyes thing as Yuri's early contribution to this comment thread.

Of all the commenters I have known, you were the most…

<3 Lurky.


One of the main reasons I chose the username :)

(those of you who haven't already)

I came out of lurk mode for two reasons:
To throw the virtual Spocker at Zack for his brilliance, and to pour a little of my beverage on the ground for Yuri, at least until he gets here.

He will be here, but later in the day. After about eight thousand other people have commented. Which… oh man.
He's not happy about that.

Prole Hole is on it over on the TI board.

:Throws her arms in the air and waves them around like she's been hopped up on Ketracel-White at a Rave with Weyoun for the last twelve hours:

Thank you, Zack.
I have a lot of feels. And Yuri Petrovich is stuck without internet for the moment and were he here, he'd be all up in this discussion.

Does this also mean that Harkness has bonus appendages?