
Due to the red vines+Walter, I am going to pretend this is Fringey.

Due to the red vines+Walter, I am going to pretend this is Fringey.

He was playing to his audience!

He was playing to his audience!

Wouldn't the opposite make you an idiot?

Wouldn't the opposite make you an idiot?

I could not make sense of it until you uncannily unpacked its true meaning for me, maestro.

I could not make sense of it until you uncannily unpacked its true meaning for me, maestro.

I too went to this gasping and surprised party.

I too went to this gasping and surprised party.

Thanks for sharing. That was better than I remembered.

Thanks for sharing. That was better than I remembered.

I read that here, in one of this season's threads.
I still think it's Virgil.

I read that here, in one of this season's threads.
I still think it's Virgil.

I was scared to press play, but sacked up and did, and then was super grateful that the uploader hadn't made the video available in my country.

I was scared to press play, but sacked up and did, and then was super grateful that the uploader hadn't made the video available in my country.

I totally ate up both your long comments on this episode. Thanks so much for contributing. I am getting caught up with the show and feel like the reviewer and I are watching different series. Your reviews were way more in line with how I am feeling about the show.

But the cock was attached to a man who is supposed to be 37, whereas way too many of the breasts belong to supposed teenagers.
I'm relieved to finally read comments about the titillation of this squicking others out (and your demand of equal opportunity male parts).