A Blaffair to Rememblack

It was the best of the rest, but I was still getting “costume”, and not “couture”. I had thought that the “beast” was going to be a point of departure --and not the final destination. I think that the “Monster Mashup” runway of UKDR (and specifically, Veronica Green’s runway) showed more of the fashion that I was

I know my little viewership ain’t gonna hurt WOW, but I’m done watching this show. Tina was clearly the better lip syncer, all Utica does is writhe around and stretch her mouth open so wide, I can see her uvula. And I refuse to pay for another streaming service to watch the RPDR-UK. Not gonna happen.

The reason Tina didn’t win the lipsync was that her lipsynching was terrible. Her dancing was tons of fun, but she didn’t bother to mouth the words half the time. 

Phi Phi O’Hara? Heidi? The chairs? I just hope that the answer is, for once, “the viewing audience”. Ultimate plot twist!

Middling performances and McDonald’s runways do not a winner make.

Still better than that piece of crap that Kandy Muse was wearing. Oh God. I feel Kandy Muse now knocking on my door and shouting shangelisms on how sickening she is because judges love her and clapping every sound from her mouth and then turning back and raising the arms asking for approval and calling on every

Kandy? Who cares?

I don’t think that I’ve ever seen anyone run away with a competition before aside from Bianca”

If Kandy skates into the top 4, then fuck the finale.

No one gave ANY side eye to the Kandy’s K Special white soda that you do in a club? ahem

Good morning all:

When asked about her ‘brand’ Kandy gave two predictable adjectives (‘firecracker’ and “sensitive”)

Bryce was super cute and looked to be having a blast. 

I agree there were shenanigans afoot; but I think it should have been Olivia lip-syncing against Tina, whose time should have already been up long ago.

The Pit Crew talked more in this episode than the entire 13 seasons combined.

I’m sure she was being diplomatic, but Olivia shouldn’t have been that excited to see Jaida: there’s no way that Ru is going to give back-to-back titles to a pageant queen, and Jaida was more versatile. I don’t see either Olivia or Utica doing well at all in a roast, and I don’t need previews to tell me that.

Painting Rose’s win as an attempt to dampen Symone’s frontrunner status downplays her performance this episode. Her commercial was as good as Symone’s, and her look was much better IMO. It at least fit the challenge. If anything, giving Symone the joint win signals her as an obvious favorite. She did great but there

Surprised Olivia wasn’t in the bottom after another safe, bland performance. She couldn’t even sell the bedraggled look at the beginning, ffs.

So, Mik makes an ad that is an ironic statement about how stupid these kind of ads are, and no one gets the point? Mik’s whole brand is and has always been subtly calling out

Tina going home for a branding challenge? Priceless.

Honestly this was a decent week for Tina, but I saw everything she had to offer in week one, which is just a weird love of fire engines or smth? At least Utica always serves a good look.