A Blaffair to Rememblack

I agree. I’m sure it was conceived as being more episodic akin to the Simpsons but this kind of sci-fi/fantasy genre material generally works better if the show has a memory and there’s some degree of serialization, because so many crazy things happen and if they don’t have an impact everything seems meaningless. I

Yeah these kinds of episodes are great and I really don’t understand why Harmon and Roiland are so hostile to the idea that some (most?) of the fanbase would like to see more serialization and more payoffs like this. Unlike a lot of modern television consumers I don’t demand that every episode of everything be purely

None of that applies because of none of this ever “really happened” i.e. it’s a “What if?”

I hate to tell you this but all this stuff is a bunch of made up gobblydegook and breaks down pretty quickly if you think about it too hard

It’s all pretend and made up and precisely because it’s a “what if” it doesn’t in any way limit what type of stories can be told. But anyway the idea here was: because Christine’s death was what lead him to learn how to time travel he can’t use time travel to undo her death because it took away the impetus for him to

Aaaaah the Butterfly Effect. Ashton Kutcher made that one bad movie and it led to him making all these other bad movies

Right. As a non-comics reader my understanding of a “What If?” is that it’s not a “real” timeline branch/alternate universe/whatever you want to call it, it’s purely speculation about what would happen if a certain variable were changed from the canonical MCU we know. It’s not something that’s canonical to the MCU on

It’s hard for an actor to pull of a straight up “nooooooo!!!!” it’s become such a joke at this point. I like the spin that Cumberbatch put on it

I agree. I was a little bit worried about Cumberbatch because in the MCU movies I found his American accent to be a little bit shaky and in a way that threw off some of his line readings. I was worried that doing his lines as voiceover (and possibly recording alone) might make the issues even more apparent but I

Archer doesn’t like him and they’re sometimes at odd but it’s not a Cyril like dynamic because the character is super rich and successful so it’s harder for Archer to call him a loser

Oh believe me I’ve gotten really tired of Archer over the years many times, especially during the coma seasons, and I definitely thought of dropping it multiple times. But, imho these two post-coma seasons have been an unexpected return to form. If you’re looking for something that has the vibe of the early seasons

I’m pretty much with the consensus on this one. This was a pretty weak, unsatisfying ep. The monologues were okay to watch (and better than some of the final performance challenges have been in the past) but only okay and none of them stood out. And as Allison points out there was zero suspense because it was clear

I agreed with the note of “Pageanty” for Ginger’s rehearsal but I thought she came off more genuine in the performance. However, the amount she sucked up to Ru was absolutely ridiculous and cringeworthy

A recapper saying basically the same thing week after week, wordily describing over and over again how the show used to be better and why they think it’s not as good now, doesn’t make for particularly interesting reading either

My guess is they mean “Worst. Episode. Ever” which doesn’t really makes sense but is probably what they’re referencing

Oh no am I not up with the latest trends in posting? I am well and duly chastened

Okay I’ve read the recaps for both eps and it’s even worse than I thought. That anyone would rank the second episode as being better than the premiere is mind-boggling and automatically disqualifying for a recapper. The first episode had a good basic premise that finally brought the show back to what it does best,

Haven’t read the recap and I’m not going to but you’re out of your mind if you think this was a C level episode and not an near A level return to form/back to basics episode. This was the straight up funniest episode and the most I’ve enjoyed an episode in YEARS, maybe dating back to before the coma seasons. If you’re

Is that true? I’m notoriously dumb about these details so probably

I disagree. I thought Boseman’s voice work was great. He added a certain swagger and fun to the line readings that differentiated the character from the MCU T’Challa and made sense seeing as how he’s lived his live as a Robin Hood type as opposed to growing up with the heavy burdens and traditions of Wakanda.