A Blaffair to Rememblack

Exactly, and with the Transformers being like the villain rich asshole snow skiing teens

There are always similarities between the two shows but the Morty and Summer story on this one really reminded me of Futurama

They had a similar conceit on “The Good Place” where the demons liked stuff that sucked, but they didn’t keep it up as consistently as it was done here

Whatever the case the number of words Zack devoted to saying he doesn’t quite get these sorts of high school social scene plots because he had an atypical high school experience is ridiculous. It takes up a significant portion of what’s supposed to be a review/recap of the episode itself. I could see maybe mentioning

I agree that narratively it made sense for this to be the time for Jan to go. And she was boiled out by Ginger Minj. Jan’s name was almost certainly on the most lipsticks

I’ve always found Scarlet pretty unlikeable in and out of drag. I have not learned to respect her personality

I thought it was one of the best lip sync choices in a while and Ginger acted it out perfectly, a well deserved win with a well chosen, fun song

Also for something to truly be a satisfying ending it has to organically fit and make sense with the story told up to that point. So, in that sense the most contrived nonsensical ending possible would be the BEST “twist” because it would be impossible to predict. But it would also be terrible storytelling. For a story

From Loki and Sylvie’s perspective he had every reason to lie and it was likely he was lying. They’ve just found out that the TVA was lying and was wrong about everything. It’s not unreasonable to suspect that Kang might be some kind of con as well, and as Loki’s by nature they don’t trust anyone

I hate to say it but I have to agree about Sylvie. The part was underwritten and the actor (who I don’t know from anything else) wasn’t nearly as charismatic as Tom Hiddleston (or Owen Wilson). The way the series was marketed and the way it started I agree with the recapper that it seemed like it was gonna be a sort

The recapper and several commenters criticized the first episode of the show for being too expository and I defended it but wow was this episode expository, especially for a season finale. Majors saved it by somehow finding an entertaining way to recite all of that non-stop exposition but for me this episode just

Stephen Schiff’s expressive sandwich eating in early seasons of Law and Order is a master class

I think what a lot of what you said points to is how much it wouldn’t work to have Loki in a conventional romantic relationship, hetero or not. Another way in which the character is similar to “the Doctor” but your writing about it was very good and much deeper than what I’m saying

And also as the recap points out it’s never been satisfactorily pointed out to what extend and exactly how Sylvie is (a) Loki. She’s a different gender, appears to have had totally different life experiences etc. etc.


I think 14 year old boys still have some deep shame about jacking off, even if they do it all the time, and this isn’t even regular jacking off it’s secretly jacking off into a piece of veterinary equipment meant for horses which is pretty damn weird even for Rick and Morty. On top of that he would (rightly) get in

I thought the premiere was good and the second episode was an all-timer. The third wasn’t great but I liked it more than the consensus. This one was the first one I’d say was outright bad

My problem was that this was the rare one where it was just too stupid and gross and not fun enough. But, even though I agree with the consensus about this ep, I have some sympathy for what you’re saying. It was a subpar episode but it wasn’t that subpar. There will still some good jokes and moments. I think people

I’m an apologist for the previous episode but I have to admit that Zack and the consensus are basically right about this one. It is probably the dumbest episode of R and M I’ve ever seen, not the worst maybe (that’s probably the dragon one) but the dumbest: just unrelentingly juvenile and gross and stupid without

The puns are supposed to be as bad as possible I think. That’s the joke