A Blaffair to Rememblack

It was a little weird. I thought the “R and R” was more of a code word for going to prostitutes. The guys are already horny why go to a strip club where you just a pay a bunch of money to get more horny? 

Kim and Jimmy are basically the only couple in the Breaking Bad verse who sometimes have consensual, healthy non-creepy sex. (Yes the first time Walt and Skylar have sex because he’s turned on from breaking the law and getting away with it Skylar likes it but Walt quickly becomes all creepy and weird about it)

Obviously this is a your mileage may vary thing but it’s not “just as compelling”. It’s compelling but Breaking BAd was a grab you by the throat and not let go type of show.

I actually thought BCS’s best seasons were Season Two and Season Three. It was fascinating seeing the playout and final resolution of Jimmy and Chuck’s bizarre relationship/rivalry. And the whole character of Chuck, with the psychosomatic pain form electrical fields was one of the most original strangest fictional

In a word no. No it isn’t.

I felt about this episode the way Dennis and most of the commenters felt about last week. It’s getting ever so slightly tiresome to see the characters earthbound and to see Michael’s increasingly desperate machinations to bring about the outcome for them that he wants. It’s felt like that a little bit for two episodes

I even referenced this scene in my original comment. It’s a minor distinction but I think even this particular scene between the Blue Morpho and JJ, however heavy-handed it is, counts as implication more than a direct statement. The end of this episode was, I believe, the first time that characters have straight up

In my opinion the fact that Rusty and Malcolm/the Monarch are half brothers was something that’s been theorized by fans going back  before this season even and something the show started indirectly acknowledging this season with some of the flashbacks about JJ Sr. etc. but it’s never something that’s been explicitly

It’s really amazing to me that I might think that the seventh season of this show was its best.

Yeah Zack had this annoying and tiresome dyspepsia regarding the previous season which really hampered his recaps. I do think this season was better but I really enjoyed Season 6 as well. I thought it was a great introduction to this whole New York set new incarnation of the series and had some great episodes and

This is due to a capital strike by the Venezuelan ruling class intentionally trying to immiserate the country to get leftists out of power

Mayer has always enjoyed showing up to play guitar for the big hip-hop, R & B and pop stars of the day. Famously he played guitar for Frank Ocean’s SNL debut and it actually worked really well. I couldn’t even hear his guitar in the mix for this though.

It must be exciting to get paid to find anti-white conspiracies in every SNL recap. I mean I hope you’re getting paid

“Travis Scott is today’s Rap Music? Jesus Christ, I’ll never bad mouth Rob Base and DJ E-Z Rock again.” Okay grandpa thank you for your original and unpredictable thoughts on today’s musics. The second song “Sicko Mode” is actually legitimately great and way more complex and multifaceted than most of the #realhiphop

Chuck Schumer is weak and hapless though. It’s not “both sides” to say the Rs are evil and the Dems are inept. It’s reality.

The problem is it is silly tossed off sort of name that makes sense for a novelty rapper or whatever but not for someone who’s becoming a big time movie actor

I kind of agree. I like her but now that she’s not really a rapper anymore and getting bigger and bigger acting gigs, using a fairly lame pun for a name doesn’t make as much sense.

I’m not as hard on this episode as most commenters seem to be. I’m closer to Caroline’s take. Jodi Whittaker was phenomenal as a just regenerated Doctor and it was an introduction of a pretty compelling group of companions. The underlying alien mystery wasn’t as intriguing as the character elements but it seldom is. 

Yaz!? I just can’t get enough! *wait I’m receiving word that that was Depeche Mode and not Yaz. My apologies*

That’s been killing me about BBC America’s presentation of the show for awhile. The episodes are written with obvious act break’s for commercials but BBCA just blasts through those and puts the commercials and other total momentum killing moments instead