A Blaffair to Rememblack

Really? This country is law and order crazy and Walt masterminded one of the biggest criminal conspiracies of all time. Law Enforcement would find a way to go after Saul/Jimmy

At this point I think the “something awful is going to happen to Kim” thing would be so obvious that I wonder if Gilligan and company will zig instead of zagging. Like maybe all the ends up happening is Kim wises up to what a scumbag Jimmy is becoming, leaves him and tells him to never try to contact her again and he

We didn’t hear half of the obit. I’m sure that stuff was in there. There’s no reason to assume it wasn’t. We were just meant to hear the part about Chuck’s over-the-top professional accomplishments

I agree. For me that was nastiest thing Jimmy’s done so far

I didn’t know she really could sing like that and I’m sorry to say that when I saw the character singing I assumed that they’d overdubbed her. This may sound like a compliment but in the context of the world of the show (and not knowing anything about MJ Rodriguez beyond the show really) it seemed absurd that Blanca

Papa John’s . . .rethink this

“Knowing all the words” is short hand for not merely knowing the words but being able to lip sync them convincingly, while performing  them well etc. I might know the words too in my head and be able to rap along while I’m driving by myself in my car or whatever but that doesn’t mean I could do what Aquaria did on

I don’t see what’s wrong with going super energetic right from the beginning if you have the youthful energy to pull it off, which Aquaria certainly does

It wasn’t just the props. It was her amazing unflagging energy level (which you probably hated because there wasn’t enough of a “build” or whatever) and the almost scary intensity with which she sold the performance. And the knew all the words to the Nicki Minaj part

It wasn’t just the confetti cannons that made Aquaria’s performance so great it was her incredible unflagging energy level and amazing performance chops as a whole. I tweeted that Aquaria’s performance was the best performance I’d seen any kind of performance-based art form in a long time. And she new all the words to

Trump is a complete teetotaller and doesn’t do any drugs supposedly, which is somehow even more horrifying

Wait. How am I in the greys? I’ve posted like a million comments on kinja sites! You will find I’m nearly impossible to kill

Hungry Hungry Hitmen!

You’re right. The difference isn’t that great. What I was more struck by was how important it was to the Vixen to think that the specific exact language she heard (“attack”) was what was actually said. It further proves to me that she lives in her own reality and believes only her perceptions are valid, sort of

There’s a big difference between “test” and “attack” and the Vixen being so sure she heard “attack” is further proof of how delusional she is.

What was her message other than “fuck all yall”?

Didn’t you know if you dislike even one indi idual black person that’s racism

This argument would make sense if they were ever actually talking about race

This argument would make sense if they were ever actually talking about race

Oliver this is incredibly bad writing and analysis and reminds me of white activists I’ve worked with who basically encourage people of color and other people form oppressed groups to be as rude and angry as possible at all times because to ask for even the smallest modicum of respect and basic politeness would be