A Blaffair to Rememblack

You may love cauliflower. I love cauliflower but a pizza crust made out of cauliflower is a hard sell for a lot of people

I agree that the immigrant-focused elimination challenge was much more meaningful, but I actually thought the quickfire was a fun little break. It’s not hard to imagine that the children of chefs eat more adventurously and know more about food than other kids their age. It treaded the line of obnoxiousness, as most

This was good but nowhere near even the worst episode of The Good Place IMHO. That show’s just on a whole other level

Oh so you’re probiotic now?

Right. But he looked and seemed way older. 55 in 1963 is like 75 in 2017. I have no idea if he was literally old enough to receive a pension

Yes it was entirely metatextual. And that’s precisely why I thought it worked. It wasn’t a comment on the First Doctor or Timelord gender relationships or anything like that. Whatever has ever been going on with the fictional world of the show it was simply a television show from 1963 acted by a man who very much was

Every episode is presented “with limited commercial breaks” by SyFy. This is a common way that non-”premium” cable channels present a new show that they’re hoping will become a big thing. An episode of this season of Mr Robot on USA was shown with zero commercial breaks

When I came to the end of Season One I thought the finale could’ve worked perfectly either as the end of the series or a set up for Season Two. With this Season I feel like the finale can only possibly work as a set for one or two more seasons of story and isn’t really a fitting ending in itself. Yes, Dory finally got

I thought I’d post something here about the way this episode portrayed a political campaign since I’ve worked on countless campaigns as either a paid staffer or a volunteer and it’s something fiction just never gets right.

First of all they needed to make a distinction as to whether this was meant to be a “State

So in order to properly demonstrate my commitment to leftist ideals for some reason I’m obliged to present my CV to you, a pseudonymous commenter on an entertainment news website? Makes sense. And, for the record, in my anecdotal experience the most “far left” folks are usually those who are most committed to living

Wow what an amazing story of how you arrived at a bunch of banal, middle of the road ideas. Inspiring

You’re definitely the only person in the world who’s ever read a history book and your interpretation of history is automatically the correct one because of that fact. Good take.

The show has become easy listening for self-satisfied liberals who are scared of radical change

No not really

I’ve just given up on this show ever being as good as it was in Season One

This is the exact type of lame brained centrist conventional wisdom that I can’t stand and which this show used to be an antidote for but now it looks like the show agrees with you, which is horribly disappointing

*Starts slow clap*

I never really warmed to him. The whole time he seemed to be a refugee from Tarantino or the Coen Brothers or wherever, the usual trope of the guy who’s really a brutal killer but is really quirky and locqacious at the same time. The axe scene didn’t seem like something that should be on Mr. Robot

It’s a great track but it’s such a heavily used music cue these days it’s bordering on hacky

I think she’s a person who’s really lost and really desperate for something to believe in and give her life to