A Blaffair to Rememblack

I'm not sure if Ru knew who she was or not. She was trying to see if Sasha could make her funny and definitely thought the answer was no to that but it wasn't clear to me whether Ru knew who Judith Butler is.

hahahahaha yeah. I basically agree. I think the thing was she came off as likable and goofy so people started rooting for her. She literally won Miss Congeniality Season 8 and she was only in 3 episodes. So people were prepared to root for her being given a chance at a comeback, particularly after her illness, but

Yeah there's never been a Snatch Game character that wasn't one note. It's not like the contestants have the time to developed nuanced, complex characters.

"Music" is a great track and it led to a really fun lip sync by Peppermint. I thought it was great.

Oliver and some of the commenters just seem to have some kind of axe to grind with this show this season. It seems they have a very specific idea of what the show should be and are measuring it by some exacting standard that I can't even understand. Calling this a "C" episode and making comments this negative comes

The ending was very strange and rushed. In fact while paying the episode off of our DVR I kept on saying to my wife stuff like "Is this a two parter? There's no way they can resolve this in one episode" as I could see there was less and less time left and so much left to resolve. I was very surprised that they wrapped

The comments in general on any Doctor Who recap are overwhelmingly negative and less focused on the actual episode being recapped than those for about any show I can think of. The comments thus far on this episode have been fairly positive though.

Carson's critiques aren't that incisive but he's able to come up with a lot of funny one liners right on the spot. He's an entertaining judge even if he doesn't take the "judge" part of the job very seriously which annoys me less than it does other folks. He and Michelle Visage did commentary over the Eurovision Song

I was thinking the same thing. I've never seen Aisha Tyler's standup but I know she was a standup for a long time so I figured she had a really good idea of how to act like a stand up who was bombing.

I think he's more of a super high-functioning sociopath a la Cumberbatch's Sherlock Homes. Only his genius is more for physical combat and quick thinking in dangerous situations and not for investigating or deducting.

I don't know. Are people with Asperger's usually so hedonistic?

Sure but I don't think that's what's happening here. I'm secure enough on my opinion about the show to not care that much and I think commenters are bringing up some really accurate critiques. I just think folks are reaching too extreme a conclusion from their mostly legitimate complaints with this season. The

This is one of those rare times when I agree pretty much completely with Perkins' review and grade. This was just not a good episode, even by SNL season 42 standards. The Trump cold open was okay but as Perkins pointed out the Trump material is getting really obvious and kind of toothless at this point. The visual of

Good luck getting people to click "see more" buddy!

Right. There's never been a case where a bunch of people on the internet freaked out about something sucking because it wasn't exactly like it used to be. And the opinions of high volume internet commenters are always correct of course.

Not what I'm saying. But I have seen multiple instances on AVC/TVC where a recapper started off as a fan of a show and then got sick of it or felt like the show declined or maybe the show did legitimately decline and it gets tiresome reading sour recaps with the same repetitive complaints each week. It seems to me a

So you're gonna keep going with this boring contrarian thing huh?

Jesus Oliver what a debbie downer with these reviews. Maybe it's time to turn these reviews over to someone who hasn't grown to hate the show.

My guess. It had something to do with how she described her relationship with Jimmy or the structure of the firm.

God you suck.