
Haha. Made my day

When Zach was furiously knocking at Dexter's door and saw Cassie, I honestly thought he might kill her then and there. I wasn't surprised by the ending but in the last season of a show, we should have that, "Nobody is safe" feeling. I think it would've been very emotionally effective and powerful if Jamie was the one


Keep this going!

Holy crap. I even wrote a comment last week about how I was afraid watching this after Breaking Bad would ruin my post-Breaking Bad buzz and I was right. Dexter is terrible through and through. It not only is a bad show, it hampers my enjoyment of an excellent episode of another show.

Holy crap. This is honestly one of the finest comments I have ever seen on the internet. Seriously. I was laughing so hard halfway for five minutes before I could continue reading. It was hard to breathe. You deserve an applause. Jesus that was hilarious.

I don't really know how to reply to comments this far down but Breaking Bad really is an incredible show. I'm so excited to see how this all ends. I certainly wasn't re-watching Dexter in anticipation for the final season.

Matthews: Quinn, you don't have one good attribute. Also, you're investigating the Hamilton case and they're good friends of mine. You don't have any leads so back off.
Quinn: I didn't get promoted? I need to work extra hard to solve the Hamilton case!

The last time they tried, Quinn and Batista smoked weed so their track record is still spotty on this

You should try Homeland. The second season sucked but…you know what just cancel Showtime. I've never even had it. I remember watching the first 4 seasons of this show on DVD (borrowed from friend) and now I just download it, so technically I've never enabled this decline in quality

Uh huh

Dexter in Zach's office, looking at the photos

A question: If there is a Dexter spin-off, are you guys going to hate-watch it or not watch it? I don't know what I'm going to do?

Yeah but there a bunch of (unlikely) "What if?" scenarios of someone finding the bloody dog. What if someone else was keeping an eye on Dexter like the private eye from Season 5? That's all they'd need. This is really sloppy of Dexter. Burn the dog, buy a new one, kid doesn't know the difference

That reminds me of "Mr. F" when they thought the Bluth company was wired and then it panned out and a boom mic was lifted out of the shot. The best part about Dexter is being reminded of other great shows

I'm wondering how I'm going to watch Dexter once Breaking Bad starts. I'm obviously going to watch Breaking Bad when it's on but I don't want Dexter to ruin my post Breaking Bad buzz. I actually rewatched the series in anticipation

The show should end like Arrested Development's "Justice is Blind." Dexter dies and the city needs room for his memorial so they move The Maria Laguerta Memorial Bench with a crane and drop it onto Quinn's car.

I was thinking you might've mentioned the dog that he retrieved, like it was a memento from Dan or it was filled with heroin

Every season of Dexter since then has just turned into a big, "Will he get caught?"

You know, it's kind of sad, but I'm kind of going to miss Dexter. I love reading these comments. I was looking forward to this episode all week just for these comments.