
The sad thing is that it'll prob be their most successful single in a decade.  This is what kids these days like.

If anybody could pull it off and still look really fucking cool, it's John Slattery.

If anybody could pull it off and still look really fucking cool, it's John Slattery.

I realize Joffrey is much more of a monster than Pete, but I'm still not sure who I'd rather beat the shit out of.

I realize Joffrey is much more of a monster than Pete, but I'm still not sure who I'd rather beat the shit out of.

Don't forget the Madonna discusssion in Reservoir Dogs as well. 

Don't forget the Madonna discusssion in Reservoir Dogs as well. 

I'd fuck her.

I'd fuck her.

I loved that last scene when they're back to smoking his stuff and they realize how shitty it was.

I loved that last scene when they're back to smoking his stuff and they realize how shitty it was.

Jonah Goldberg would be mad to hear you say that.

Jonah Goldberg would be mad to hear you say that.

"Let's blow dro, bro."

"Let's blow dro, bro."

I endorse this idea.

I endorse this idea.

Parks and Rec is a completely different show than all those you mentioned above.  It's always had more of a heart to it.

Parks and Rec is a completely different show than all those you mentioned above.  It's always had more of a heart to it.

I just buy the new NCAA Football and MLB The Show games every year.  Looks like they're really re-vamping the presentation on NCAA this year.  New passing system, too.