
*titters quietly*

The bullies have names Todd
Seriously, they've been on the show for a while, I'm not sure if you constantly forgetting that they exist says more about the show or you. That being said, I actually didn't mind the revelation that Karofsky is a closet case, mostly because that whole scene was really well done (unlike the

Chasing Amy
Went from meh to one of myfavorite movies in two viewings.

Coming from the world's biggest glee apologist…
This episode was not good. I'm just going to consider it non-canon and try again next week.

B+ not bad
Well I'm not going to watch the show, but at least now I'm okay with it existing.

Yeah, the songs were pretty weak, but most of their dialogue was pretty great. They were the bright spot in an otherwise disappointing episode.

This is going to sound weird, because I love the show to bits, but I can't stand hearing about it outside of tuesday nights at 8, yet it's inescapable. I don't want to know which castmates are dating each other or what Lea Michele does to stay so thin. I don't want to see the live concert or buy merchandise or

No Fat Chicks (unless they're actually chicks)
I refuse to watch anything featuring a known tough guy forced into a domestic role. I thought Mr. nanny wasw awful when I was six, why would I feel any differently about The Spy Next Door when I'm 23? Also I'll typically avoid anything involving a cross-dressing black guy

Read the first volume of walking dead…
Does it get any better? Because It seemed fairly standard to me, The characters were so flat. I was like, this guy's wife can die right now and I wouldn't shed a tear.

What I'd really like to see is a story about a person taking care of another person of a different race without everyone being so goddamn cynical about it.

Framo is right on the money. I don't think the show is mysoginistic as much as the audience. Women get away with a lot less on this and pretty much every show, so much as to call Rachel's bitchiness irredeemable while completely ignoring the fact that Puck's a giant man slut who slept with his best friend's girl and

6 a fiance? Why not?
Am I he only one who wasn't that bothered by the fact that 6 has a fiancee? It actually makes a lot of sense that she would never have come up since 6 is constantly doing his darndest to keep all parts of himself as detached from his life in the village as possible to the point where his entire

I think I just died a little inside.
Please don't bring dear Jennifer Carpenter into this, she got involved with the first one when she didn't know any better. I doubt she's contractually obligated since it ws a small role, but if she is she needs to do everything in her power to get the hell out of it.

I love Deb
Every baby should be described that way.

He puzzles me.
Dexter's a difficult person to figure out. I don't know if he actually cares for the people in his life or if he's merely territorial or if he is genuinely an empty shell that we try to twist around into something good because we like him so much. He kills because he likes to, that's a given, but the

Christian isn't synonomous with hopeless square
I for one happen to love Jesus, in fact we get together every weekend to watch Star Trek and make fun of Kirk Cameron.