
Exactly. Bayley didn't kill Poussey because he's a raging asshole. He killed her because the system failed everybody, and Poussey paid the ultimate price. That's the problem in real life. I get what the author is saying. The guys in real life aren't tender little cherubs like Bayley. But I think the point of

Well, my office building is a gym so I can get my pokemon knocked the eff out whenever I want.

Yeah, Tenenbaums falls into an area that is not well served by bright-line distinctions between comedies and drama. It doesn't really fit in with either, and we shouldn't think of it as one or the other. It's genrequeer.

Yeah, I don't think Royal Tenenbaums should be so high on this list. If we're talking best comedies, I think the primary consideration should be how funny they are. Tenenbaums is a good movie, but it's not terribly funny movie.

Well there is the witness that saw him in the school library at the time the murder was supposed to be happening.

I'll agree, generally. You don't insult someone on their own turf. If you're a guest in their house, you shouldn't hurl insults. So people going into sports threads and insulting sports are d-bags, as are people who crap on comics in comics threads. But twitter is neutral territory, and so I don't have a problem

The sportsball thing is so tame I can't see why people are so annoyed at it. So some people think sports are silly. So what? They kind of are. So are a lot of things that I enjoy. People make fun of Harry Potter, Star Wars, etc. all the time and it's not a big deal, but for some reason, joking about "sportsball"

Internet high five!

I don't think expressing general disinterest in a thing is the same as telling someone to fuck themselves.

Where did the bad tweet touch you?

It really doesn't

I had some people jump up my ass early on.

It's interesting that where some people are seeing pride, others are seeing self-deprecation. It could be either, really, but without knowing whether any of those tweets are from people who spin their own wool, I can't conclude that they're being elitist.

Well I guess I just see it a little differently. As a nerd with nerdy interests, I'm pretty used to having people casually insult the things I enjoy. It's really not a big deal. And it's not like some snarky comment on Twitter is going to topple the Sports Industrial Complex, so they can chill out.

I do find it ironic that sports fans are upset about being on the receiving end of pretty mild d-bag behavior

Tweets: wow that sportsball certainly seems like a whole thing
Author: That is "pure assholery masquerading as hipper-than-thou-elitism"
Me: That seems like an overreaction.

Yeah, but like the sportsball tweets, that is a pretty innocuous comment about someone's almost miraculous disconnect from pop culture. I certainly wouldn't call it "assholery" like the author called the sportsball tweets.

It's not necessarily willful ignorance. I, for one, seem to be physically incapable of retaining any amount of sports knowledge just due to my complete disinterest in it. I've actually tried to keep up with it for office small talk purposes, but the sheer volume of sports information out there makes it impossible to

It's a dumb joke. You won't get any argument from me on that point.

My bad, I missed the NFL logo in your avatar. We are clearly mortal enemies and will never come within 100 miles of agreeing on this topic. I happen to think sports are silly, but people find a lot of what I like to be silly, too. But the premise of the article is sort of silly. Instead of just making its point