Tom Doolie

Nice twist, yeah.  And Walt and Hank pull into the driveway at the same time.

(Jesse does also have a gun.)

I'd think he's a heavy enough dude to get his cash regardless.

Holy shit, it did happen on camera, you're right.

It would be pretty weird of Walt to be breaking bacon into a 52 on his plate and then staring forlornly at it if it weren't actually his 52nd birthday, though.  He didn't seem all that into their free birthday meal deal.

I like the theory, but I can't think what Jesse could tell Jr. that would convince him. Jr. doesn't have reason to believe a stranger over his dad in the first place, and this stranger has just broken into their house and started splashing gasoline around their living room.

I respect them for leaving that cigarette moment difficult.  Because how obnoxiously heavy-handed the alternative could have gotten:  Jesse looks at the pack of cigarettes.  We see a closeup of his face.  Then there's a quick cut of Huell patting him down.  Then back to his face as his eyes get wide.  Then cut to the

The payoff of that opening is probably just delayed.

In that Skyler is the one who built a meth empire, and has blamed it on Walt all along, or… ?

Well, I was sad that Jesse didn't flip.  But then the show did a good job, I thought, of bringing him around to finally realizing that FUCK WALT.

Saul's ultimately a big puss.  But good call on them incriminating Hank!

What do you mean?  I mean, Walt wouldn't just own up to havin' all that cash stashed.

Well said.

Heh. Well, he makes the secretary lie down next to Saul, then he makes Huell lie on top of both of them. I don't know, I just wished he'd been smart enough to stop Saul from diming on him right away.

Huell also drove Jesse to meet the guy.  He could have pulled the pocket swap at some point that we didn't see.

He probably swapped pack for pack.

Wanting the kids out of a meth kingpin household isn't such a bad thing of Hank and Marie.

I remember thinking the house seemed fucked up, like it had been more than just abandoned.  But if it had severe fire damage, that feels like something we all would have noticed.

[Never mind.]

It was, as someone else said, a little too pat.  But goddamn, they got me with it!  I thought Jesse was getting in the van, and then they threw in a twist that I never saw coming.  And it set shit up in an exciting way.  So I forgive them.