Tom Doolie

Hank definitely needs leverage outside of a DEA investigation; I don't remember any of his coworkers or superiors ever taking any of his ideas seriously.

I don't think it necessarily follows that she thinks she'll get the money and live happily ever after.  She's trapped in such a shitty situation; maybe all she really wants is for Walt to be gone.  Maybe, with this new twist on the situation, she doesn't currently know what she wants at all.

He's done a hell of a lot of nasty shit since that initial motivation…

One under-explored question:  What did Hank say on the phone to get Skylar to rush out to meet him?  My impression, based on what we heard of her part of the conversation, was that he used threats.

By this point, turning on Walt would itself be better judgment from Jesse.

What else does Jesse have to talk about? Is he gonna give up Skinny Pete and Badger?

Regarding Skylar:  I shared your frustration with her choices in this episode, but then, she has passed on chances to bust Walt in the past.  Presumably her motivation is the same now as it was then:  If Walt gets busted, then he'll forever be known, to his kids and everyone else, as the monster he was.  I think she's

"I'm a manufacturer.  Not a dealer."

I would say "to kill somebody", but given that he'd just purchased a machine gun, I'd say your question stands.

Oh, I agree, it was definitely a point of pride for Walt.  And that's believable.  I was questioning why it's also meaningful to everybody else—particularly Gus, who was getting 96% pure shit from a guy he could've controlled as long as he wanted to.

To borrow a sentiment from the end of The Shield, Walt said goodbye to his family the moment he broke bad.  He's clearly the one who ruined everything.

Well, Walt also does lie pretty much constantly.

No doubt.

It's not about being on a high horse, it's about the incipient lameness of having a sense of humor, and eventually an entire personality, that is built on nothing but references to pop culture.  Maybe it will one day, with a fitting dose of douchey irony and referentiality, be called Family Guy Syndrome.

Well, that's well said.

Can you all stop acting like you're the first one clever enough to make a Belize joke?

I think it's a lot like Walt approaching Salamanca about takin' down Gus together.

I'm not sure I believe that, though.  Granted, there's apparently been a huge (30 some %) dropoff from Walt's shit.  More problematic to me was back when Gus cared enough about the difference between 96% and 99% to risk getting involved with Walt and Jesse.


Hank was right: Walt doesn't give a shit about family.  That's just bullshit Walt tells himself.