Tom Doolie

That's a good example.

"Walter, is that you?" isn't a funny line.

Yeah.  I think it's just generally that Gus provided him the model for hiding criminal activity in plain sight.

I say Jesse and Hank are teamed up by the end of the next episode.

I enjoyed the exchange there.  "Hank, my cancer is back."  "Good."

Hank's survived some shit, but he wouldn't really be tougher to kill than anyone else, if Walt determined to take care of it himself.

It looked quite a bit worse than any typical been-abandoned-for-a-few-months house and yard to me.

Been pointed out in about seven hundred other comments.

It's basically two Fring-like things that Walt did in this episode.  The towel and the business-like talk at the store counter.  I think people have started hitting them too hard.  The general similarity is clear, but come on, are we honestly listing things like wearing glasses as meaningful traits they share?

It did look like him, I agree.

Yeah, in the car wash part of the episode, Walt behaved like a new man.  (Or maybe like his old self.)  But as soon as he got in a room with Jesse, he was full of the same bullshit as before.

Yeah, he is definitely nothing but hateable at this point.

The box cutter isn't fully to Fring's credit in that way, though.  'cause he never attacked Walt with it.  Though what he did to Victor was a vulgar display of power, if anything, in terms of the politics of the situation, it was actually kind of a favor to Walt, in that Victor was a budding threat to Walt and Jesse.

H. Maddas, I didn't read that S4 remission test that way at all.  I don't remember any particular clues, facial expression or otherwise, as to a negative result in that test.

Yeah yeah yeah.

It was also great when Mike beat Walt up in that bar, remember that?

But we also have no idea what's left for him to accomplish, at that point.  Who's still alive, and so on.

I was too frustrated during that period by knowing that, even though he was right about pretty much everything, Mike would clearly ultimately lose to Walt.

Fuck yeah, that was a hellacious moment.

I enjoyed the 20 minutes of Hank knowing without Walt knowing that he knew.  I thought that Walt noticing the book missing right away, and piecing it together from that, was kind of bullshit.  But the confrontation was great, particularly the punch.  I would have loved about sixty solid seconds of Hank beating the