Tom Doolie

I didn't bother to watch Analyze This until about a year ago, and I was surprised at how good it was.  It had essentially been retroactively ruined in my imagination by all the baggage attached since it came out.

Shit, what crawled up your ass?

Well, he doesn't sound as fucked up as he used to…  unless his answers were heavily edited here…  Still don't know if I want to watch this movie, though.

You hangin' out with 12 year old Lips fans or somethin'?

Oh, good call about When You Smile.  That's a damn good song.  Actually Guy Who Got a Headache is probably the last track I would have chosen to write about off this album.

Yeah, Mystics was their weakest one in two decades.  And even it isn't terrible, just mostly dull.

Hit to Death in the Future Head is my favorite.  Clouds is a good album, but doesn't have many great songs.  My favorites from it are Abandoned Hospital Ship, Bad Days, Christmas at the Zoo, and whatever track 2 is.  Psychedelic Exploration of the Fetus with Needles, maybe.

Embryonic was excellent, people.  Their winning streak has never ended.

Shit, who's gonna cover Rollins Band?

You mean it's a song about anise?

Could be both.   I've spent maybe a total hour and a half of my life watching Spike Lee movies.

Had a roommate just after college who would always get embarrassed around me and my friends over his love of Bush and Silverchair.  We weren't really giving him shit about it (much); it was just obvious that we thought those bands sucked cock, and it gave him a big complex.
Those bands still very much suck cock.  A

Yes, well said.

What don't you like about the WBC format?

Playground logic.  "Everybody's talking about it!"  "No, they're not."  "See, you're talking about it!  Nah na nah na nah na!"

It's in about every tenth comment here.

I have a niece who used to dance to that album with me when she was about 3.

What is this article about?

It took me a long time to learn to like the movie at all, because I couldn't get over how much is lost from the book.  Could be the best novel of the '60s.

I've always found Wolfe unreadable.  I still stick up for Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, at least in theory.  But I never saw any of Thompson's subsequent attempts come anywhere near the mark.