Tom Doolie

And who gives a fuck if other people don't watch the shows you like?  Let them do what they want.

Victor wouldn't have had much trouble pulling Walt's scrawny ass into the car.

Why the hell does Gus need Walt's meth so badly?  Isn't there still a shit ton of money to be made off of flawed, regular-ass meth?

If Jesse gets off the hook and then continues to fuck around and jeopardize everything—Jesus Christ, enough is enough.

Heading out to shoot a couple dudes in the street does still make you a bad guy, not a good guy.

I don't feel like Gus capital-N needs Walt.  He sold plenty of shit before Walt came along.

Plain and simple, Gus needed to waste Jesse the instant he said no to him.  I feel that's such an obvious point that I fault the show for having him do anything else.

Plus, Mustaine's a puss.

Plus, Mustaine's a puss.

That's your point, huh?  So, why did you think anyone would give a shit?

That's your point, huh?  So, why did you think anyone would give a shit?

Really good episode.  Skylar being in on the business is surprisingly fun.  But — nothing against Aaron Paul, who is great — Jesse is the big weakness in the whole story to me at this point.  With the opportunity to pocket millions of dollars through surprisingly safe crime, he has to risk his ass to make tiny sales

Check out "Done With Mirrors."  I think that's the last time they were relevant as a rock band (rather than a pop band in the late '80s, and a piece of shit ever since).

Check out "Done With Mirrors."  I think that's the last time they were relevant as a rock band (rather than a pop band in the late '80s, and a piece of shit ever since).

Mediocre in three decades.  I could be persuaded to say four.  But, come on.  Their '70s shit rocks.

Mediocre in three decades.  I could be persuaded to say four.  But, come on.  Their '70s shit rocks.

A poll:  If Scorsese called DeNiro today with a great script, with all the potential of standing alongside their best work, do you think DeNiro would still have it in him to rise to the occasion and inhabit one of those great characters again?

A poll:  If Scorsese called DeNiro today with a great script, with all the potential of standing alongside their best work, do you think DeNiro would still have it in him to rise to the occasion and inhabit one of those great characters again?

Bad Lieutenant.

Bad Lieutenant.