
Seriously. Dude is clearly going to be a problem, and throwing those kind of insults is just the excuse needed to solve the problem before it's a problem.

Speaking of self-serving, evil individuals - a good person would have changed that guy's comment from all-caps, as much work as it might have been, to alleviate the burdens of the audience's reading experience.

I don't know what it is, but this season fell flat for me.

I don't know what it is, but this season fell flat for me.

Pfft, isn't it obvious? Kramer is Neil's father, looking to once again have his long-lost son in his life. This is just the only way he knows how to love.

I would totally fuck Cathy.

Castle is such a terrible show when it tries to be anything other than a lighthearted comedy. These past two episodes have been "Castle as a terrible police procedural that is taking itself way too seriously."

I think they will disappoint me and it will continue to be a terrible show. I still want to see how this plays out though.

I love also how this is like the only crime scene EVER that EVERY SINGLE PERSON AT THE SCENE waits for Dexter before going in.

So, now I have to keep watching. And I hate to admit that despite the ridiculously contrived nature of the ending I am actually somewhat excited for next season. I am sure that feeling will quickly die out as another disappointing season starts up, but it will get me in the door for 7.

Memory loss. How original.

Yea, I feel it's kind of ridiculous that Travis could track down Holly faster than Dexter. Who happens to be, while just a lab geek, a super-detective in practice.

I can forgive people who didn't see it coming, so long as they treat watching the show as an opportunity to multitask.

The dialogue between Gemma and Jax when she showed him the letters felt a little fake to me.

I laughed really hard during this film. At how awful it was. My friend and I wanted to turn it off halfway through, but decided to finish it… in case it improved. It didn't.

From what I can remember, season 3 was pretty bad. Season 4 was also pretty terrible, redeemed only by Trinity's strong performance and the finale. The rest of it was filled with LaGuerta bullshit that nobody cared about.

"The problem isn't when gay characters are killed off: the problem is when gay characters are killed offfar more often than straight characters, or when they're killed off because they are gay. This trope therefore won't apply to a series where anyone can die (and does)."

The New is the blood of Jesus

Nucky being driven away as the guy gets shot was amazing

Considering the quality of this show of late I doubt it was intentional, but I thought it was a neat touch that the New Testament of the Bible was soaked in blood.