Evangeline Lillys Freckles

Awww, come on! That's no way to talk about my dead Grandpa!

I'm 25 and you bet my Grandpa taught me who's on first.

I'm assuming the friend's phone call had to do with the PI working for the Kennishes and may have contacted Angelo's friend asking questions…

They kept showing Wendell in the background. Way too obvious he would be a major player in the end.

Ya beat me to it.

That's fair. I like Brittain too, he does weird extremely well, but I've grown attached to Killam's versatility and reliability, I have to say.

Yeah, I missed Taran Killam.

Yep, agreed.

Yeah, I may have had some legitimate tears happening when Vivian said that to Violet. I mean, I saw it coming, but that doesn't mean it wasn't effective.

I don't see how a "closer inspection" would be needed since I'm obviously talking about the show…


This was easily my favorite episode so far, if only because it was great to see one character start to remember their fairy tale world, or whatever it's called.

Robyn was fucking fantastic and easily the best part of the show.

I watch the show religiously and everything in the special was new to me.

Saw it a few weeks ago and though I agree pretty much 100% with this review (especially, "There's a fine line between homage and just repeating well-known stories"), I called it then (and I'm still calling it now): it's winning Best Picture.

I can't believe how seriously she took it. Very far from the mark, indeed.

Quick note: they said the information came after production had wrapped.

I cried while AC/DC was playing so obviously this episode merits an A.

Not true, last episodes before the break are tonight.

Elecion and Sideways are my favorites and I enjoyed Citizen Ruth. Never cared for About Schmidt. Actually, the way I feel about The Descendants is similar. But I understand you'd want to make up your own mind.