Evangeline Lillys Freckles

It's official. It's been cancelled. I also hope Kathryn Hahn gets something worthy of her talent soon.

"The show was nice enough to show me Mrs. Coach’s face as she gets PLOWED BY THE BLACK VERSION OF THE GREENDALE HUMAN BEING. "

Ah, a sex tape. Well, it's nice to know she's not perfect after all.

For the entire episode, I kept wondering how in the hell did Anya NOT win Miss Universe? She is gorgeous, talented, poised and has a fantastic attitude. There's no doubt anyone else would not have survived losing their money. Anya, on the other hand, kept the drama at a minimum and kept going full steam ahead. And


Myles, thank you for a fantastic write up of an immensely charming show. Even though I enjoy talking about Awkward with my teenage sister, it's reassuring to see I'm not the only one outside the MTV demo that finds real value in it.

"… after Ehle's breakout role in Contagion…"

"Modern Family (here's a case where the pilot was so good and so structurally inventive—with the big "twist" ending—that the series could never live up to it, since a sitcom can't have a twist at the end every week" - TVDW

Actually, she's four…

Idris Elba…
…is one hot piece.