Craig Kilborn

Was just listening to Strategic Grill Locations the other day. Good stuff. Not enough Mitch Hedberg quotes on the avclub by my estimation.

If someone questions me on a job poorly done I like to ask "Can I see some documentation on that?"

If you shoot me, you're liable to lose a lot of those humanitarian awards.

Capt. Oveur: You ever been in a cockpit before?
Joey: No sir, I've never been up in a plane before.
Capt. Oveur: You ever…seen a grown man naked?

This was on my public television station on Sunday, and I would say a B- is pretty accurate, it didn't contain any new insights on gangs or anything. A pretty standard documentary in the vein of the Discovery Channel. A grade of C is probably even more deserving.

I like the sound of this.

Trashy Show
I would say it was more Tyra Banks than Jerry Springer. But that might just be What A Fool Believes… Michael McDonald ftw!!

Jay, I 100% agree with you. (And my first comment wasn't meant as the insult people seem to be taking it as. Listened to 30 seconds, didn't dig it and suggested a different music player where I could hear more of the album and perhaps hear what you guys like about it.) That is why I suggest finding another music

So, leeharvey, you love imeem and I have touched a nerve by speaking out against it. Well, I will not be silenced no matter how much you like that inferior music player.

Also, why must imeem be used? I am pretty sure it sucks. Why not use lala or something where you can check out all the songs on the album?

Not exactly digging this, but in the scheme of things, who am I anyway?

I wholeheartedly agree. Taken was an F movie for sure.

I like the way you think.

Didn't mean to assert that your book was overpriced. I am not lamenting the fact that it is $25. I will happily pay that for your book. I am complaining about Simon and Schuster charging the same amount for the ebook as the hardcover. It is ridiculous that publishers do that. Not a modern economic model by any

Hardcover and Ebook
$25 for the hardcover and $25 for the ebook? You're doing it wrong Rabin. Tell Simon or Schuster to live in the now.

Reagan, along with Rocky IV, brought down communism.

Here we go.
Reagan comes alive.

Prized Possession
After Arrested Development ended, they sold stuff from the show on eBay. I bought the Franklin puppet. I only wish I could have purchased the CD as well "Franklin Comes Alive."