
Rumblings and Observations
1. Slightly dissapointed in the originality of the challenges up to this point. Grill outside for interns, cook outside for chefs…The kicker this week was supposed to be a) they didn't know the bulk of the ingredients and b) had to cook one meal as a team…I guess that counts as a challenge.

They have an exact date on his Wiki page, just sayin'.

This mini-discussion got me thinking so I went here.

Good Lines
"We still don't have a gym because of last year's diarrhea flood"

@ Colby

@ Asdf


wallflower - Couldn't agree more. Josh was my favorite as well, but the writing never quite knew what to do with him. Even the tension/romance with Mary Louis Parker felt insincere at times. I was also bothered by the *SPOILER, I GUESS* fact that he eventually does wind up with Donna. It just didn't work. Obviously,

Absolutely love this episode. It's the first time where Josh's too-cool-for-school, Iron Man persona gets him absolutely nowhere and actually hurts his ability to recover. He's so accustomed to being the smartest man in the room (any room besides the Oval Office) and being able to out-maneuver, manipulate

1. Bill did react with some degree of concern when he 'felt' Sookie's presumptive danger. I just don't think he was in any position to leave.