Outrageous French Accent

His next comment is from a month ago and says "I have to go now" :(

He's gone. On Twitter he keep saying he's too cool for the AV Club.

I think the Fantastic Four reboot would be a better exemple.

What's weird is that they used to go for unusual casts. RDJ wasn't the big name internationally that he is now or Hemsworth was pretty much unknown before Thor. I hoped they had continued that way. Bringing back actors who needs a comeback like RDJ or Chris Evans and introducing unknown actors was a good way of doing

For some reasons, I'm actually way more interested to read that than I am to see Snyder's Batman…

"I one time killed a Frankenstein whilst shopping in a store,
he lurched towards me arms outstretch as I ambled towards the door
in my hands a new bandana, a hat ten gallons deep,
in my body was a soul which my body aimed to keep
his voice

That movie was the worst piece of crap I ever had to watch in my entire life.

Ringo would have never said something like that. Damn you, McCartney. Give Ringo some work.

We're gonna have 40 super hero movies in the next 6 years, I think we all risk O.D.

Next you're gonna tell me they want to make that bad Civil War comics into a movie.

And still no X-Men related show, now that's weird.

I totally missed that news… Or maybe it just got lost in all the superheroes news.

Wait… They're doing a Supergirl TV Show?

Nice, Werner Herzog is commenting on the AV Club!

Ugh. Get a job, Internet.

That's actually Jamaican.

Welcome to Cit-Ewok!

Because French people only know certain words in English so we end up with Not Another Teen Movie being Sex Academy or the Hangover as Very Bad Trip… There is a great Tumblr with all the exemples: http://pardonmytitres.tumbl…

His mother is Giscard?!

In France, that movie is known as "The Very Black Show" (check it on Google, I'm not kidding) because we have no shame and no brain.