Outrageous French Accent


Be nice. He's not psychotic, just a sociopath.

Bonjourrrrrrrr, you alcoholic yellow dick face.

I don't have a job because that's not a thing that actually exist in my country.


If you love Barney Gumble, you're gonna love Dikachu's twitter!

From what I know, you don't really need to have seen the previous Marvel movies to get the movie but you will miss a lot of easter eggs and references.

Same here, I only know two people who have heard of it and those lucky bastards actually already saw the movie (damn journalists!). They said it was great btw.

Fair enough. I'm sorry to over react, it's just a pain in the ass to have to answer for my country's decisions almost every time I comment here. I feel like an American tourist in a Parisian bar.

That's it, I'm done with this place since I can't make a joke without being harassed for having French in my damn nickname. You won, dumb trolls of the Internet. You won.

There you go making generalizations again. I think we're done here. I'm half Algerian and I lived in Guadeloupe so I'm more than aware about what's wrong with my country, I just don't see how it applies to every French person myself included. Am I accusing YOU of listening to my phone or of putting every black person

King Dong is the name we'll give you after you're rightfully back on the throne.

I think he's talking about the fact the right wing is making a huge comeback here but he's just stating his facts like it applies to EVERYBODY in France which is just ignorant and stupid but I think you knew that already I just wanted to be mad a little more haha.

You are so manichean, it hurts.
I sometimes wonder why I still come here when all I see everytime I comment is something about racism or the German occupation. Seriously, guys. It's 2014. Everytime an italian is posting, do you talk about Mussolini to him? And when you watch a Japanese movie do you think about that

It's okay, just be less political for no reason next time because good old French Accent is tired of having to answer for everything his country is doing.

Don't tell him because he's gonna be disappointed but… I'm only a misanthrope like all of us.

Oh sure and every Americans have guns and only care about oil am I right?

What… the …. fuck … are you talking about? Who said I was pro or anti anything? I'm doing a stupid joke. And by the way, my government is pro Israel, in case you missed it.

Well, Israel is really running out of ideas.

For the last time, my name is Sofiane.