Outrageous French Accent

Colbert is a French name, and it's pronounced Col-BEAR. France is right. Case closed.

That's hilarious.

Sacrée Bite!


PFT is too awesome for your country, send him to us. Please. Send him to us. I'm so fucking bored of this country. Please Paul F. Tompkins, save me.

I ate it…

SNAP Take that you big red headed freak!

Sean: "Guys, say you love me again. I really never hear that except when you're around."

Taste the snark. Drink some O'Neal.

Too afraid I had sex with his sister. (High five!)

I will never drink with an irishman. *spits on the floor*

You made me laugh on a really really bad day, Sean. Here, take a croissant.

Is this still the place where we talk about our problems? Because I've got a bunch of those.

Dorne is Italy, Spain and south of France. The Reach is the rest of France. The North is Scotland.

New Daario is so much better than Pornstar Daario.

Spoilers for book 6:

I'm still waiting for Jaime to yell "I"M A MONSTEEEER"

He can be a romantic eunuch…

He's like 40 in the books I think.

So the Thenns, aren't they supposed to be the most sophisticated wildlings in the books or am I mistaking them with another band?