
This is killing me, so someone's gotta help. Didn't Jenna make almost the exact same "off-brand Kennedy" joke on 30 Rock? If so, it's a masterful callback.

It's not the funniest moment nor the most outrageous, but I love, love, love the way Gene Wilder responds to "Need any help?"

I'm also meh about simulation racers, but I love games with some flair and fun physics. My favorite racing game is still probably the arcade San Francisco Rush and its sequels. That said, I kicked in for the Drift Stage Kickstarter. That thing looks like fun.

You're going to have to do just that because his hair/wig is ridiculous.

I am in love with happy Rosa Diaz. I would fight Doug Judy for her.

Oh my god yes. Thank you for pointing that out. Find and replace, and now I'm embarrassed. Although I liked Stewart too, Burnham was the one I meant.

Not that he was a slouch when he first came on to Batman Incorporated, but you could _see_ Stewart getting better, or at least more in sync with Morrison's writing, as the series goes on. I so, so wish he had done the art on Morrison's new52 Action Comics run.

Right? There might be too many intellectual property hoops to jump through, though, since it would Moebius, Giger and Foss art along with who knows what else.

The prop house for Pacific Rim auctioned off a bunch of stuff recently, and now I deeply regret not getting a 6-ft Jaeger battery.

Did you get your Chris's mixed up, perchance?

The trippy bubbly garden story haunts me to this day. I am dying to know what was in the chest.

So many times in my life, I've wanted to explain that I cried like a big, dumb homo, but sadly not everyone has seen this episode.

Yeah, while I like the after the fact intertwined nature of King's novels, I still didn't really like the rebirth of Flagg. I can't really say except that it felt heavy-handed. You got the sense that he was the embodiment of a general Evil that was already always around right in his intro.

For the longest time I've wanted to create a blog that reviews all of Tracy Jordan's movies.

The work Capullo's been doing on Batman is fantastic, but yeah, Snyder's year-long story arcs are not why I pick up monthlies.

My comic shop actually has an affiliate online store with Comixology, so I buy my digital copies there. It's great that I can at least send a little money back to them now that I've largely moved away from buying physical comics.

I imagine that's also what she looks like when she goes to find a secret place to make sure no one is smoking.

I could never believe his role on That 70s Show because his Clarence Boddicker made such an impression.

Now whenever I see the end of Bourne Identity, I'll be thinking 'upsie downsies'.

My goodness, that's a pretty lady.