Jimmy Eight Cats

@ Craig J. Clark: Thanks, I couldn't agree with you more. I was thinking of checking this out until you reminded me of that. I've also never seen "Cannibal Holocaust", but as an 18 year old with my first VCR back in 1985 I rented "Make Them Die Slowly" and discovered the wonderful world of Italian animal snuff.

@Agree, and cool story bro moment.

Maybe teh most underrated(and misunderstood) band of their era. They had a run of *at least* six perfect albums, from "Even If" through "Dust", and the only reason I'm not saying seven is because it's been a long time since I listened to "Clairvoyance".

Do You Remember Rock 'n' Roll Radio?
I can't forget it. From around 1987 until just a couple of years ago the opening riff(Rock'n, rock'n'roll radio Let's go!) would pop into my head as often as once a week and I would find myself absent mindedly tapping it with my knuckles on the nearest hard surface. This was rather

Why don't we just wait here a little while? See what happens.

Nah, I'm pretty sure he was gay.

"For all the nods to Laugh-In in the editing and jokes"
The sensibilities of "Laugh-In" and "Hee-Haw" really aren't as different as they first seem, since for all its '60s trappings "Laugh In" was really just updated Vaudville. Rowan and Martin weren't exactly The Firesign Theater.

Most likely it was lead singer Chris Youlden.

"Angels and Fuselage" by DBT
would be pefect.

Perfect choice, although "The Red Telephone" would work just as well for a shorter drop.

@ Shane Danielsen-"The Starlost" has been out for two years now. I bought it last year but haven't watched it yet, mostly because I'm pretty sure my standards have improved since I watched it as a seven year old in 1974 and am worried about ruining another childhood memory. Even then I thought the effects were

Monsters, John. Monsters from the id.

My high school gym teacher was named Vito DeVito.The worst part was that the name really fit him.

Although it was in syndication, WTYFGH debuted a year after the Prime Time Access Rule took affect, which means that it was probably broadcast
at 7:30 in a lot of markets(I know it was in CT), right after the networks had to give up that slot. Because of this I think a lot people saw it and remember it, but it doesn't

"This song brought me down…I haven't been this down since 1957!"

I saw Killdozer recently and it really holds up. I expected that what scared me as an eight year old in 1974 might seem cheesy now, but it really keeps up the tension and sense of isolation.Good cast, especially Neville Brand.

Are you counting "Starsky and Hutch"? I wouldn't count it since it was a pilot for a series,and it's really the series that got remade.

-one "been"!

As someone who watched a lot made-for-TV horror movies in the '70s
I can't think of another TV movie, horror or otherwise, that's ever been been remade for the big screen.Can anyone else?

That's "saw Def Leppard".Sorry, I'm old.