
He's wise in the ways of science.

That's really good. His actual name is "Dr".

If anyone's an old pro, it's Vanna White.

The Hall guys sound like assholes. He was in the band: end of story. Nirvana was for underdogs and now you got some corporate dick trying to erase this one guy's moment in history. Pathetic. Wonder if Grohl is behind this.

When I login, a popup window appears. That popup window is useless: just close it. The original window should reload into your account. That's what happens with me.

How'd he get his PhD?

In the Hunger Games' shadow? Well, duh! That's the whole point of an exploitation movie!

Is he supposed to be mentally challenged?

Does she drop her g's to sound like she's southern? I don't totally hate her performance but it's really annoying when she does that in the show.

u were right. she's bland. attractive in a conventional sense but nothing lingers. I think that's the point. Hannah is more attractive.

"getting fired from her job is vintage Girls, from the way she makes everything all about her to the way to the way that she tries to make other people’s reactions to her bad behavior into the real problem"

Grimes on Jools was pretty great.

Got a hoosegow and its made of babies
Donkey King Kong trying to spread my rabies

Poor Grimes. Last i heard, she was suffering from tinnitus.

"The party was lame. Total sausage riot."

Chelsea is just coming across as a jerk with no wit. I don't think she even knows what comedy is.

I was just making a dr. who joke (reTARDIS). Prob in bad taste.

Don't be reTARDIS.
Kohl is something that mothers would paint on the faces of their kids in order to protect them from death.
He's haunted by the death of his daughter throughout the entire series.
In the last episode he yearns to be with his daughter. But as Marty says, Rust is unkillable.
If there's any show that