
I think you know as much about Native American cultures as Scott Buck does about satisfying endings

We are vehement in our hatred because the show betrayed us

No, but they made her show daddy her tits

I was wondering the same things

WTF? Did you grow up somewhere totally racist or something?

@avclub-b9a25e422ba96f7572089a00b838c3f8:disqus professionals are just as big of douchbags as anyone else

There's a lot about being called a colony that bugs me - the Haida certainly never signed any treaty with our British overlord fuckers

Didn't John Malkovich have a plastic gun in one of his movies?

The surveillance tapes know everything about everyone, he must have hacked those

You aren't being serious.

reformed convict that finds jesus = one dimensional

I hate bananas so you aren't allowed to like them either

@avclub-1df8797177fc3b52be6784aacca7358c:disqus that's awesome, thank you for explaining (sorry for ruining)

it''s because the ending makes ABSOLUTELY NO SENSE

They call me "The Carrie" because I am always right

@avclub-89085904f0bffdb18e6df50da71ac0f5:disqus aaaaggghhh! totes!

@avclub-ee2e9e1447fcb49c96e19af584ca11b4:disqus She had her sister as a private doctor, who should be giving her that highest level of care, because you know, she's her sister.

or stalked by a cougar

@Kumagoro:disqus I don't know enough about being a Muslim to comment on that other than obviously her version of Muslim doesn't completely subjugate women and they are allowed to work (not just picking on Muslims here, I think most monotheistic religions subjugate women - also are we sure she is Muslim?). I just think

Life makes people drink