All this time, HipsterDBag was actually Mysterion.
All this time, HipsterDBag was actually Mysterion.
@ Arsenio
Why do you hate that you find an attractive woman attractive? You should talk to a therapist about that.
I'm still liking these
so yeah.
It's the same as head coaches wanting to also be GMs. So Soderberg would be the Shanahan of film.
That's some anachronistic trolling if I've ever seen it. All over MTV? It's not 1993 and that could actually happen, is it? Only thing all over MTV these days is shitty tv shows.
That was one of the greatest lies I've ever read. Good jerrb.
Worst/Best album title ever.
Holy shit. By Huey Lewis and the fucking News? You've got to be kidding me.
Hey fuck you, Topper Harley is funny.
I'm comtemplating "taking my talents to south beach" just remembering that video.
No, I was talking directly to you. They said that in the show? Weird.
Go fuck yourself, Pat.
Where does he shit?
For a brief second the Spoon digs got a little rise out of me, then I read the byline. Oh yeah, it's that dude who loves Fall Out Boy and a bunch of other Alternative Press crap, no need to take what he says seriously.
It's funny because he calls him that like 6 times in the same paragraph, like he's mocking him (or patronizing as Sunny would say). As a Steelers fan, this makes me happy.
Wow, embarrassing on multiple levels. Impenetrable. Damn, I really was proud of myself for the joke, too.
He's a real class act
Good god, that shit is spot on.
He's a real class act
Good god, that shit is spot on.
Ahh, i shouldn't have spent so much time reading the article. Now I'm the douche. …I probably was before, too.
Maybe you should stop being such a douche. People don't bully cool kids, is all I'm saying.