People who say Pretty Hate Machine is his best work are just fucking wrong.
People who say Pretty Hate Machine is his best work are just fucking wrong.
Brick killed a man!
Keep in mind that it's one of those things that just gets better and better the more you watch it. I still find new things that make me chuckle every time I pop in the dvd's.
Fuck yeah he has a musical theatre background. Need I remind you of his starring role in Taint Misbehaving?
Rising Down might be my favorite Roots album. I say this as a longtime fan. It's raw and dirty, and yes, full of anger. The new one is growing on me, buts it's only been a day, so we'll see. The only disappointment in my opinion, was TP, but I like that record more and more with time.
Don't like em dancey.
Prefer them when they're a little more to the rock side. Just one mans opinion though.
I don't know man, I live in Wyoming, there are plenty of vast expanses of land here. That movie looked a lot like southern Utah to me though, but that's based on no research. Anyways, not impossible.
Dude, you've never been to the desert? Are you fucking kidding? Get out the city, buddy, there's a whole world out there.
I was on the fence for awhile, but this album is pretty good. It just makes me smile for whatever reason.
I *could manage
Sure her music sucks.
Has anyone seen that new video? Holy shit, I've been desensitized by the internet, but I think I manage to coax one to it.
Normally I don't bitch about exclusions, but c'mon guys. They only have 3 types of songs: 1. Let us smoke some marijuana 2. I'm so ganster is why I have to shoot you with my gun, and 3. I'm fucking crazy. Insane in the Brain? Illusions? That fucking rap/rock album they put out? I am…
I feel really bad about this (not really), but a friend and I have a bet on if John Goodman will live or die. I'm happy to let you all know I'm rooting for the guy. If he makes it to May 16, 2015, I'm 100 bucks richer. C'mon John!
Did anyone mention Megs yet. Way better than STACKED. Use it all the time in real life. Well, as much as that phrase needs to be said out loud.
Word, son.
How do they work?
I just watched The Piano Teacher on Netflix a few weeks ago. Still trying to wrap my head around that one. One of those movies where I wasn't sure if I liked it or hated it. I couldn't see that as a acceptable gateway for most people. Then again, I, like a lot of people here saw the original Funny Games (they…
Nacho works (in my opinion) because of the winning personality that is Jack Black (again, my opinion) in the lead role. Broncos fails because whoever that douchey douche who is the main character has sub-Carson Daly charisma. And because it's anti-funny. Granted, I havn't really thought this through beyond NL-…
Fuck youze guys. Nacho Libre is weird in a good way. It brings a smile to my face every time (about 3, 'cus it was on). Jack Black sells it in my opinion. Gentlemen Broncos does indeed suck, though.