
No shit.

Rob Zombie to direct another movie I don't care about.
That's fine and all, Robert, but how about writing a movie? I get it, you like old horror movies, now howsabout making up an original. Devil's Rejects is tits, but following it up with 3 remakes? Fuck you, buddy.

He should. The O.C. has been cancelled for awhile now, so that payday's over.

Since for-fucking-ever.

Enkidum, you just lost some nerd points, my friend.

One could say that outfit is gayer than 8 dudes sucking off 9 dudes.

What next?
Magnificent Seven.

Ooh! I saw a girl strip to that Bloodhound Gang song too. She sold it.

I've seen a stipper dance to that Weird Al star wars song. Bizzare, yet awesome.

Also, I would like to add that I agree with everything Danrimage said, which doesn't happen very often. No offense.

Ok. Just making sure I wasn't crazy in liking 2 more than 1.

Hostel V. Hostel 2
I did not realize the consensus was that Hostel 2 sucked. I always thought it was the superior film, but I havn't watched either one since they came out, so I could be wrong. Truth be told though, I think all his films have been merely ok at best.

Hold on Holland, did you imply that I lied about watching the encore and not the original broadcast? I was working man, I got home in time for the encore. The encore wasn't a limited commercial break thing like the premiere, and it was excruiating. Although, now I know that Firewall is on next Sunday, so there's

Fair enough. It's just my opionion, but one I feel strongly about. Knee jerk response, I guess.

I watched the encore and it felt like there were commercial breaks every 3 fucking minutes. I had never actually seen the show on AMC, and I must say, watching tv on tv is weird.

I find that it's good to punctuate moments of astonishment or anger with a quiet proclamation of "Draper." Is there anything that man can't do? Other than stay faithful.

Let's not face it, because it is a fucking lie. In Utero was the best thing Nirvana ever did.

golf clap

Yeah dude, fucking Creep. Deal with it.

No one is gonna give Peggy her due? I mean, I know she was plumpy and preggos the first season, but Elizabeth Moss is smoking. She's no Joan, but then again, who is?