
And a great example of why it will get cancelled.

The politics of television is so ridiculous.

@avclub-b7784c8bc13cfa7214f249fef97abfe9:disqus It was a Growing Pains easter egg.

They couldn't just let him go because he seemed to give up too easily. They knew he had some sort of angle, that's why Black Widow was sent in to get him talking.

You're also posting on AV Club…so you're kind of setting the curve for your generation.

Did they actually change the relationship background from the comics?!

Accidentally cutting himself open on random pieces of metal every week.

@avclub-10d3783afeeeaf131f3cbd3a680fef99:disqus No vital organs below the waist and a clean cauterized wound, dude!

"Which dress/shirt should I wear?"

@avclub-1922cc1dc1286b56a2d99b7f1aa0630c:disqus Which in the continuity of the show was only a few days before they found the farm.

You mean pump-action shotguns don't hold 30+ shells?

I read basically all of the X books and just throw them into a box when I'm done. I'll keep them for my nephew to read when he gets old enough, but I don't really see the point in bagging/boarding individual issues at this point.

@avclub-c8dbb917fde2753ad9eebf9cc58c69eb:disqus Eventually any nuclear power plants would meltdown without human control.

This is like the 3rd comment I've read that said they should have been tougher with the Rush sketch. How? A lower third that just flashed "this guy is a fucking asshole"?

He has the Juggalos now, He's good.

No, he isn't.

I think that just had to do with the length of the sketches. Or if you're like me, you watched it on Hulu and they cut out a whole sketch.

@avclub-b0f7b8df4360f2dc6d1214ab16072ba3:disqus John Cho has had a leading role in all three Harold and Kumar movies.

Well the sluts at TurboTax are just asking for it.

What relation does Kelsey Grammer have to the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills?