
I found it so weird that he gets mentioned on New Girl the same week he guest stars on Modern Family.

Sudeikis mentions at the beginning of the skit that it is ladies night Bongo's Clown Room, they have it once every 3 weeks, and the ladies always fill it up oooh so nice.

Fast Fact: The Col. Nasty laugh appears in the Jesse Eisenberg episode before the Col. Nasty character was created.

They missed a great opportunity to have Gabe's body be filled with really evil, violent tattoos when he striped down. That would have really pumped up the Gabe-Creepy factor.

A snow saucer sled painted as a giant's eye and then placed in a window doesn't strike you as funny?

They better bump him up to legit cast member next season.

1.25 asian cast members. Nasim was born in Iran.

It really should have been the Source Awards. Much more gang related violence there.

Did we really need more than one Oko…whatever political ad?

African American? Does the series take place in Australia?

How does the show miss when they've already made jokes based on riding bikes, local food and banning containers of a specific material?

Where exactly can I find 'Downtown SoCal"?

I like to see them give Sarah Schneider a shot at co-hosting W.U. They hired her on as a writer and she was always good in the College Humor stuff.

No one wants a repeat of Somalia. You do remember what happened in Somalia, right?

He was in character. The last "and we much" is a direct quote from Sharpton's show.

Fun Fact: The audio clip at the end of Leonard's video is from the same song the Dean accidentally plays in the beginning of the pilot.

Motorcycles and shotguns in a zombie infested wasteland.

The use of that font really bothered me.

I was waiting for Jason Segel to thank her at the end.

"…Or maybe Will Smith?"