
I know it's protocol and everything, but it's amusing when a feature just completely shits on a movie this site covered in the past, only to link to a review where said film received a "B" from the site and a "B-" from the community.

I know it's protocol and everything, but it's amusing when a feature just completely shits on a movie this site covered in the past, only to link to a review where said film received a "B" from the site and a "B-" from the community.

No, I'm not suggesting that there aren't racial issues regarding Arabs or Africans in France. I guess I just take exception to the "noble savage" dig. Those scenes in question, especially that done to death dance sequence, are lazy and easy and do hurt the film, but I don't think it overshadows the core of the film,

No, I'm not suggesting that there aren't racial issues regarding Arabs or Africans in France. I guess I just take exception to the "noble savage" dig. Those scenes in question, especially that done to death dance sequence, are lazy and easy and do hurt the film, but I don't think it overshadows the core of the film,

I wasn't implying that Adams or the review is racist. I hope I didn't come across like that.

I wasn't implying that Adams or the review is racist. I hope I didn't come across like that.

"Unfortunately, while Sy’s quick wits remain a constant, the movie quickly reverts to type, casting Sy as a noble savage who gets an instruction in life’s finer things while teaching the rich folks how to let their hair down."

"Unfortunately, while Sy’s quick wits remain a constant, the movie quickly reverts to type, casting Sy as a noble savage who gets an instruction in life’s finer things while teaching the rich folks how to let their hair down."

Now THAT I might actually see.

They still got the money, right? They didn't just drink donkey semen for no reason, right??

Gervais could have been better, yes, but you could barely say he was hosting the event at all. It kind of felt like NBC or the Golden Globes or whoever was in charge of the whole thing wanted Gervais' name attached to it to reel in viewers, but they wanted to keep him out of the way as much as possible. He had a few

I love this thing. "Surfer King" has that great "country ballad at 2 AM" kind of feel to it. Thanks for the heads up with this; I haven't seen it mentioned at any of my other haunts.

I actually first discovered this channel while tremendously high on pot and it totally threw me for a loop. I came back to it once I started taking acid regularly a few years ago and it just becomes too absurd and strange to bear.

Damn, I just wish they'd bring back Jon Benjamin Has a Van.

Seriously. What's the worst that could happen; will he lose that lucrative Bachmann supporter demographic?

“This is clearly a form of bias on the part of the Hollywood entertainment elite. This wouldn't be tolerated if this was Michelle Obama. It shouldn't be tolerated if it's a conservative woman either.”

Do you? Try reading the sentences right before that:

Pitchfork didn't call him the new Marvin Gaye. They may have compared the emotional openness of this album to Gaye's "Here, My Dear," but they didn't crown him the next Marvin Gaye. Two totally different things. It's amazing what you can learn when you actually read.

Big words from someone who spent the majority of her career doing covers.

I've never been big on Tom Cruise, but I loved Eyes Wide Shut, probably because of the fact that not only is Cruise not playing the Smug-Asshole-Who-Learns-a-Very-Important-Lesson-in-the-End character, but he's barely acting at all; he's just sort of wading through this labyrinth of sexual frustration. I actually kind